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Show Log For Thursday. August 19, 2010

Bobbie and Steve Dooley share with Phil and his audience something they think is very remarkable. In a number of photos taken by flash cameras on roller coasters, their eldest son Seth is showing no emotion. His face is “flattened” or “he just has a slit for a mouth” says Steve Dooley. In other words, he has “ice water running through his veins.” Bobbie believes her son has nerves of steel and should get a recommendation from Congressman Henry Waxman to enter the Marine Corp Officer training school at Quantico, Va. Most of the callers think it’s possible Seth is simply a psychopath. The following hour Robert Green, CEO of Frazier Foods grocery chain, offers Phil the opinion its time to move on from the Ground Zero mosque controversy. After all, on September 10th, when the fasting of Ramadan ends, there’s ging to be a lot of hungry Muslims and Bob has just layed in a supply of New Zealand lamb chops. If Phil and other talk hosts keep talking about this mosque, Muslims will stay away from sponsors like him and Christians will stay away from lamb chops because they just got the word Muslims like them. Later Phil does Shout-Outs and Bud reads the Bud Dickman Nightly News.

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Ted Bell: “There must be some misunderstanding….”

I was on the Phil Hendrie show last night and by the way I was passed around the campfire I doubt if I’ll ever agree to another appearance. I’m looking at our advertising budget for the rest of the year to see if we can afford to throw money away on his show at a time when most Americans get their dinner from a grabage pail. Last night, as I was attempting to make a point about these crawling punks that text when they drive,

            Lousy punk texting while driving

I made note of an afternoon when I pulled one of these cheap punks over to the side of the road and told him..and here’s the quote…”You keep texting and you’ll kill every Christian soul on this freeway.” The punk then looked at me with a smirk and said “I’m Jewish.” Well when I related the story to Mr. Hendrie and his not-too-swift listeners, people started calling in about my “Christian soul” comment and the fact that “boy” I forced to the side of the road was Jewish and was I an anti-Semite. I said of course I’m not, the “Christian soul” comment was a figure of speech. And then I said “Everyone knows the Westside is crawling with Jews” but not meant in a mean way AND I said the “Christian soul” line I first heard in the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” which was directed by Steven Spielberg………A Jew! But, I was shouted down, passed around the camp-fire a few more times, given a blanket and told to go sleep in the bed of the truck and “Mule” would give me a ride out in the morning. And I know you don’t know what I’m talking about so let’s just say it’s a distant memory I have from a long ago meeting with members of a certain motorcycle organization.

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Show Log For Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Vernon Dozier is a high school teacher with a Facebook page and over 400 female friends, all of them under 18 and some of them not students at his school. How does he get away with posting a picture of himself while in South America wearing nothing but underwear that he thought “was a pair of speedos?” It’s a twisted tale. Later, Ted Bell explains why texting and tweeting while driving is okay for him but not for “some of these lousy punk kids. I told one kid you’re going to kill every Christina soul with your texting and he says to me ‘I’m Jewish’ Of course he is. The westside is crawling with Jews.” Ted barely gets out of the hour alive and blames Phil for everything