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Show Log For Tuesday January 28, 2014

                     Is this possible someday?

Tonight Vernon Dozier reviewed President Obama’s State of the Union speech, saying the President broke out his “olive oil smile and guinea charm.” Phil pointed out that that’s what Woltz said Johnny Fontaine had in “The Godfather” and Vernon said that Obama and Johnny Fontaine were both the same kind of guys…

Also Austin Amarca on how drones will someday be hovering at your bedroom window looking your wife up and down, Dean Wheeler on his fear of Ted Cruz and Steve Bosell with Bud Dickman talking over the upcoming Super Bowl…

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Show Log For Friday January 24, 2014


Tonight the discussion centered a bit around Phil’s one man show coming up on Sunday night at the San Francisco Sketchfest. Margaret wondered about what song she should sing and discussed Justin Beiber’s troubles as well. That led to talk about the singer Jimmie Rogers and his fateful encounter with the LAPD in 1967 which left him with a fractured skull. So, she decided to sing one of his hits, “Honeycomb.” 

There was also a rather involved talk as well with Margaret and Bobbie Dooley about the place of parents in their kids caereers, notably Jeremy Bieber, Justin Biebers dad.

Herb Sewell came on the program and talked about an order of nuns that don’t want to have to pay for ACA-mandated contraceptive care. Said Herb, “The Nun is up to things you and I can only have nightmares about.”