In Dealing With “Hate Mail”

I recieved a communication from a young man who is obviously angry. He messaged me at Facebook. Usually I refer all messages at Facebook to our website as I do not reply to any e-mail save that which I recieve from Backstage Pass members. His message was rageful and hateful. It attacked me personally and professionally. Upon doing some research I found out the young man was confined to a wheel-chair and suffered from SED or what we commonly call “Dwarfism.” Through his anger I saw pain, deep hurt over how fate had dealt with him and I did something corny. I put myself in his  shoes. I decided to break a cardinal rule and communicate directly with a non BSP. I wanted to try something completely different in responding to what we in the business term “hate mail.” His name is Eric and here’s what I wrote him.

“You dirty filthy little man. Do you know what I could do to you if I had 5 minutes to spare and packing tape? You do don’t you? Maybe you wanna come and get some, huh? What do you think circus boy, huh? Wanna get some? I could kill you by looking at you. Just by looking at you with the rage I feel right now I could kill you and your body would ignite and burn which considering body mass alone would take around 6 or 7 minutes and then there isn’t enough left of you to put in an ashtray. Go to hell. On second thought, you’re too small. Go to hell jr. They won’t take you in regular size hell.”

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