Search Results for: Bobbie+Dooley

Roberta Debra Dooley AKA Bobbie Debbi Dooley or Bobbie Debbi Newley Dooley (Her mother's maiden name: Julia Lillith Newley or Julie Lilly Newley) is a woman living in Western Estates, California with her husband Steve and her sons Seth, Dylan and Justin. Bobbie is the president of the Western Estates Homeowners Association and the Western Estates Parent Teacher Organization. Steve is the owner of a "wildly successful landscaping business" named Dooley Landscaping. The boys attend Western Estates Middle School and Western Estates High School. Bobbie is a woman in her late thirties with the cougar-esque body that includes state of the art, double B breasts. As far as her face goes, see above. She is far more involved in the lives of her neighbors than she probably has any, real legal right to be. She tells them when to have and not have abortions, when to use and not use air-conditioning, when they're elderly relatives are allowed to visit and who's children are overweight and thus not allowed out in daylight. Ms. Dooley has admitted to giving out blow-jobs like flyers in the Koo-Ka-Roo parking lot just to "get guys to stop bothering me." While statistics are sketchy at best it can be reliably assumed Ms. Dooley and her husband (not to mention her sons on a good night) have been respionsible for several deaths.
What I learned from the Casey Anthony Trial by Bobbie Dooley. That's me!'s what I learned from the Casey Anthony trial. (Well, one of the things I learned from the Casey Anthony trial is to not keep repeating "what I learned from the Casey Anthony trial" til a total stranger wants to sideswipe your Escalade and send you on down to, as my father called it, the Demons Crotch. "It's hot and nasty down there Bobbie. Hot and nasty," my Daddy would say. As many of you know, I have what is called "Bobbie Dooley's Circle of Taste." This is a select group of gals that I choose for their fashion sense, their fitness, their symmetrical features, their personality, their tone, their pertness, their social skills, their decorating and catering skills, their...well, it's a bunch of stuff they gotta have. Here's my point. Casey Anthony is a woman I might have invited to be a part of the "Bobbie Dooley Circle Of Taste." She's a bit young but there are many young women married to men in their seventies and eighties who "make the scene" here at Western Estates. But thank God I didn't. Or more to the point thank God she didn't live here at Westernm Estates so I couldn't invite her. Otherwise I might have. And the bad name she would have given to every pert, trim and socially evolved woman here would have, were it a smell, knocked every buzzard off of every garbage scow that ever was. Casey Anthony, in short, is a waste of looks, breasts, butt, legs, waist, youth, eyes, hair, lips and thighs. Steve, my husband, like most husbands has looked at her on more than one occasion and said "God forgive me but even knowing what I know about her I'd be scramblinjg for the Yellow Pages to find a Justice of the Peace." And that's understandable. But let Casey Anthony know this (and I speak for every woman I'm sure) You got away with one. Good for you. Seriously. Mazel tov. When most of us think about dropping our kids off somewhere we think of a friends house or a school or an ex-husband's condo. Rarely would any of us think "swamp." So, you fooled 'em. You fooled 'em all. But you didn't fool me. And you didn't fool my people. My people. The people of Western Estates and associated communities. So Casey be advsied. If the day ever comes that I find myself up against it and I have to take a life to keep my "Bella Vita" (or whatever you call it) going. I'll do it way better. way better. And I'll keep intact the image of millions of women trying to get through eachy day as hot-looking and popular and not also be seen as laughing, blood-soaked sluts stinking of rot and slipping and sliding on gore as we get ready for our Hot Body Contest. I'm Bobbie Dooley.
Thursday, November 28, 2002 Show Log by Paul Dintino Hour 1 “Mother's with Son's” Chairperson Bobbie Dooley is on to talk about her son who was so popular he went ahead and did it with a girl who was teasing him. Bobbie started “Mother's with Son's” when she was inspired by the Taliban's John Walker Lindh. Hour 2: Bobbie Dooley had a Clothes-a-thon where the clothes are donated to a battered women shelter. Bobbie doesn't like to see these women in her “lime green pumps” and forest green gingham dress.” Phil tells all that he played Bobbie in the last bit. Hour 3: “Mother's Against Peer Pressure” founder Bobbie Dooley is on to talk about her son was forced to drive at 80 miles an hour because another boy told him to. He could have killed a bunch of people but it really wasn't his fault. Some more family album snapshots with the Dooleys.
Every New Order* In The Shop On The Fourth Gets A Free.......BOBBIE DOOLEY KEY CHAIN! Hell Yeah! Hell yeah!...You can't go to the Suimmer-tacular (who can, really?) but you can celebrate in spirit by having your own Bobbie Dooley Key Chain...and now for the fourth of July with every order coming into the Shop we'll pitch a Bobbie Dooley Key Chain into the styrofoam filler that...I mean we will lovingly place a Bobbie Dooley Key Chain into the gayly decorated package** arriving at your sun-splashed cottage. *Offer excludes digital purchases. **By "gayly decorated" we mean something brown with tape and your name on it.
Bobbie Dooley's Daily BOBBIE Blog For Today December 11! "Sign Up For Our Winter-Tacular!!! I'm Only Kidding. You Most Likely Can't" Click here! Do you rate? Compare yourself to these gals, friends of Bobbie's at the Weesern Estates Homeowners Association. Now do you think you rate? If not you better read Bobbie today!

Show Log

"She refused to wipe Bobbie's ass when Bobbie was unable to use her own hands due to wet nails from a manicure." Show Log For Tuesday May 22, 2012 Bob Green reprises his "no corn on the cobb to people with jacked up teeth" policy, this time talking to a man who claims to have green-grey teeth and halitosis breath and who still insists on buying corn cobbs. Ted Bell with "a prominent" overbite also calls in to see if he'll qualify. "I'm Ted Bell. You're telling me I can't buy cobb?"Bobbie Dooley explains to Phil and his audience that she had to fire another illegal immigrant live-in domestic because she refused to wipe Bobbie's ass when Bobbie was unable to use her own hands due to wet nails from a manicure. Ms Dooley went on to say that there was no point in hiring American workers since "all they do is back-lip you."With Austin Amarca, Charlie LeFountain and Ralph

Ep. 150

Bobbie and Steve describe the annual lighting of their Christmas lights, put up by other homeowners selected by Bobbie. And Bobbie reminisces about her banana yellow pantsuit.
Are You Reading Bobbie Dooley's Blog? Will You Be Able To Function Without it? No! Bobbie's Blog Daily Starting Tomorrow! "Read my blog about the things I feel are important today! Click on the ...header.. Oh shut up Steve."
Deadline For BSPs To Submit Their Top Bobbie Dooley Bits, August 25th..Use BSP E-Mail (Click on Bobbie's Face)

Ep. 121

On this edition of the Bobbie Dooley Podcast, Bobbie sits down with prolific comedian, writer and performer Dana Gould! Dana will be participating in Comedy Gives Back on Wednesday November 6th, broadcast live on Visit for more information.
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