Search Results for: Doug+Dannger

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"While being interviewed by Phil, he got into a fight with a concessionaire over a cupie doll Doug claimed he won and was arrested for battery." Show Log For Tuesday July 17, 2012Starting the show was Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police announcing Operation Big Glove, a task force that he formed to look into Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his "Mickey Mouse" investigation of President Obama's birth certificate. ('Big Glove" was so named because Mickey Mouse wore over-sized gloves)Doug Dannger smacked around a carnival worker in a fight over a cupie doll and the usual, perceived homophobia Next up was self-described gay man and gay journalist Doug Dannger ripping into Phil for once having the unmitigated gall to tell writer/director David Mamet there was a factual error in one of his scripts. "You blew it Phil. You blew it big and you blew it hard and I say that even though I know you and Northcraft are going to be making your (whispered) queer jokes later on" Dannger pulled off the road to get a better connection and wound up parking near a shopping center carnival. While still being interviewed by Phil, he got into a fight with a concessionaire over a cupie doll Doug claimed he won and was arrested for battery
Episode 24, The Free Phil Hendrie Podcast Later Today. Doug Dannger in "Homo Vision." Doug Dannger says Sally Field's full of shit and he can prove it! Can he?

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Doug Dannger, gay man and gay journalist, came on to talk about an investigative piece he's done on tracking software for cell phones. Sprint and AT&T are being sued by consumers for placing this kind of software on phones in what they believe is a violation of federal law. Doug says, "as a gay man and a gay journalist," that they're just a bunch of crybabies who don't want to admit they lose their phones alot and need this software. Doug says most people are paranoid that "there's a camera somewhere watching their wives going to the bathroom."
Tonight it's Doug Dannger, Gay man and Gay journalist who talks to Phil about a "Teacher of the Year" in Pennsylvania. She lied to her school district about having a brain tumour and took charity from people, extended time off and even a family trip to Disney World. Doug and Phil discuss the time Doug told his bosses at the Orange County Courier that he had AIDS and needed time off. It was a lie. Doug needed time off to finish a screenplay. The money people gave him he said he donated to "Gay Awareness." When Phil pressed him as to what "Gay Awareness" was Doug said he wouldn't be able to explain it to a straight guy. Next was Ted Bell who is bitter over the fact he missed the capping of the BP well and the resulting climb in the price of BP stock. Ted says he's made friends in the media for just this kind of inside info. "That's a lot of free steak dinners and a lot of free drinks," says Ted. "Someone bent me over and branded me with the word 'stupid.'

Ep. 270

Tonight the Super Bowl was previewed with Vernon Dozier, Doug Dannger and Steve Bosell. Dannger by the way introduced a new shorthand....instead of "Gay Man and Gay Journalist" it's now simply "Doug Dannger, Gay." It was Dave Oliva talking with General Shaw about a hoax mailing in New York of what turned out to be cornstarch, instead of anthrax... Dave said cornstarch looks a lot like dandruff...
Tonight, Doug Dannger, a Gay man and a Gay journalist, came on the show to discuss Brittney Spears and a lawsuit that accuses her of having sex in front of her kids, among other things. Doug told Phil that if Ms. Spears wanted to have sex in front of her kids there must be a reasonable explanation for it. One woman called to complain that Doug kept telling people he was gay. She had gay friends and they didn't have to say anything. Doug asked her "Then how did you know they were gay? I say it so you'll know. I'm not sneaking around trying to hide it like your hairdresser." In hour two it was Father James McQuarters saying that Christianity had lost the battle to Islam. Because of the "hayseed" image of southern Christians, like Terry Jones and his Koran burning, more and more "quality white men are leaving the Christian church and joining the Muslamics."
On tonight's show, University of Washington engineering professor Don Micksa tells Phil that by accident, when calling a friend of his, he got on the line with his friends 20 year old daughter, a woman he had seen and admired on campus. Because he has a "Jack Friday-sounding voice" the young lady asked him if he was a cop. Don decided to lie and say he was, a "Faran Benton of the Seattle police." They are 8 months into their relationship now and Faran....I mean....Don wonders if he should tell her who he really is before they sleep together or after. He may be using her, yes, but she may be using him to get some parking tickets fixed. We then brought on the line Doug Dannger of the Orange County Courier. Doug, a "gay man and gay journalist" believes that Whoopi Goldberg walked off The View the other day because Bill O'Reilly provoked her into doing it. O'Reilly, says Doug, hates blacks because he's an Irish-American and Irish-Americans have carried around their resentment of blacks since Civil War days when the Irish didn't want to go to war to free black people. Doug says it's in O'Reilly's DNA to look in the mrror and see himself as a monkey wearing a derby and sipping from a whiskey bottle while Whoopi is "Abe Lincoln's own black woman."
Tonight we opened with Doug Dannger, Orange County Courier reporter and "gay man and gay journalist." He talked with Phil about the passing of actor James McArthur and the "racism of Hawaii Five-O." As Doug sees it, because the primary Asian group in Hawaii is (or was) Japanese there should have been Japanese actors and Japanese characters on the show, not Chinese as was the case with Kam Fong playing Chin-Ho. The same is true of the current Hawaii Five-O with Koreans playing Polynesians. Doug said the whole audience is complicit in this racism. "This is the same as the entire cast of the Cosbys being replaced with coal-black Cubans and nobody saying anything!" Doug said the reason why people weren't calling right away is because he smoked TV viewers racism out and they were hiding. Father James McQuarters of Belmar Academy joined Phil to get it said about the Maura Kelly column on "gross fat people kissing" on TV and the reaction it created on the set of TV's Mike and Molly and across the country. "Of course it makes us sick to look at fat people kissing....but you don't come out and say it!" Father McQuarters said they hang a sheet in the school gym behind which fat kids can go and dance and hug and do it away from the view of other people. He even works fat kids out by having them do deep knee bends "holding a crucifix, hewn from heavy wood, across their shoulders. It reminds them of what I go through trying to get the fat off their asses. Frankly it also reminds me of what I go through."
Episode 44, The Free Phil Hendrie Podcast! Doug Dannger, gay man and gay journalist, asks people what they think of gay marriage...while holding a switchblade to their chests. Just click. It's yours!
  Was Your Oscar 2013 Experience Uncomfortable? You Weren't Alone. Doug Dannger talks about wanting to rip Seth MacFarlanes balls off and Margaret Grey hopes he's raped by traumatized and psychotic women as they review Oscars 2013
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