Search Results for: RC+Collins

R.C. Collins and Bud Dickman host the show and take some calls. Whats your take on the situation in Burbia? Veal? ATM Fees? from 1999.(0:21:15)
Friday, February 4, 2005 Hour 1: Chef Carl Chodilia with Six Recipes. Vernon Dozier on how to treat your wife. get in there and make me some bean dip. Hour 2: RC Collins, prep school cadet, says they are blowing off steam at the academy by breaking urinals and causing trouble because they can't go get beers and get into bar fights like the Marines. Show closes with RC Collins performing the war drum circle ceremony. Harvey Wireman says to kiss the gunner's daughter. RC Collins and Harvey break into a war song & dance number before Phil cuts them off for good. Hour 3: Lloyd Bonafide, Korean War vet, says Gonzales appointments will spring Mexicans into government power. Callers call him racist.

Ep. 128

Dr. Jack Keppler a marine biologist spoke with Phil and his panel about a killer whale carcass that washed up on shore in New Zealand. As his train of thought became more bizarre, talking about 'robot whales,' for example, it gradually became clear he was in an assisted living facility and his daughter was there, who claimed the doctor was on board a research vessel when it was struck and sunk by a "giant octopus" off of South America in 1961. Doug Dannger, a gay man and a gay journalist, discussed the coming out last week of NBA player Jason Collins. Dannger said Collins came out "in a crisp and brisk fashion. Some guys waddle out of the closet, others sneak out looking to see if the coast is clear. But Collins coming out was rapid, fresh and brisk."

Ep. 1009

The General and RC provide a running commentary and get on each other's nerves while watching the first presidential debate!

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Bobbie Dooley, Larry Grover and Corrine Grover, Larry's mom, talk about Obama and the first anniversary of the killing of Bin Laden. Bobbie, as an Obama supporter, says the Republicans will have to suck on Obama being "the guy that puilled the trigger." Larry finds that appraisal "sadistic." Meanwhile Mrs Grover claims Larry uses a racial slur in talking about Obama and Larry denies it Also Harvey Weirman and RC Collins engage in a discussion about Nadya Suleman, the so-called "Octo-Mom" and her prospects now that she's declared bankruptcy. Naturally, with Harvey and RC, there are insults, baiting, threats of violence and then, at the end, Harvey going through the phone line to exact some sick revenge on young Mr. Collins.

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Bobbie and Steve Dooley joined the show to talk about Bobbie heading up a delegation of high school students to visit South Korea with the hope of traveling to North Korea and expressing their sorrow at the death of Kim Jong Il. Bobbie says she isn't worried about being arrested by North Korean border gaurds. "I'm the mother of three teenage sons and I haven't met a z****rhead yet that scares me." RC Collins, second from right, and other cadets hammered on gin last Friday night Next up RC Collins says he wants to hang hard like a real soldier so he and other military academy cadets "drank gin form the bottle, took off our shirts" and went out joy-riding last Fiday night.

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Classic Show Log, Monday December 25, 2000: RC Collins discusses his teenage vampire cultTeen

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Phil and the crew talked right out of the gate about Michael Brutsch, the so-called 'worst troll on the Internet', who was outed by Gawker and lost his job. Then they went into a discussion of the meningitis outbreak that killed 16 people and may have been traced to a drug company in New England.... Frank Grey came onboard and gave Phil advice on what to eat when he ends his diet, saying Margaret eating chocolate after ending her diet created an "ass explosion" in the bathroom.. Cadet Ochoa's ride RC Collins recollected the time he refused to get into a fellow cadet's car because it was all tricked out "into a beaner wagon"and David G. Hall called in to tell Phil to watch it with the racial terms, what he called the big four; "the n-word, the s-work, the k-word, beaner, beanermobile and taco bender." When Phil said there were more than four of them David said "there are 11 teams in the Big 10 too."
Now more RC Collins than ever before in every show! Listen (and watch) tonight beginning at 9:15pm PDT with the uncensored, filth-strewn and inspiring pre-show on PhilTV in HD!

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Bob Ulbricht talked briefly about his security business and a contract they had protecting an ice cream plant from terrorists... Jeff Dowder was on to discuss Lance Armstrong and his lying about performance enhancing drugs. RC Collins also joined the discussion because he also only has one testicle...                        Nice Vernon Dozier called in to take exception to RC talking "tough" about military matters, especially since Vernon was listening to the show with his young wife who was getting turned on by RC.... Hal Levolier, who apparently is the head coach of Bradley Military Academy's football team, called to give Vernon crap over beating his Belmar team in a pre-season scrimmage, 46-7
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