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A Larry Grover “I Was There”: Straights Rally In Indianapolis

A good showing for an anti-gay rally on a Monday morning in Indiannappolis

Straight people from every walk of life rallied in Indianapolis (spelling ‘Indianapolis’ by the way is easy. Just think of an ‘Indian’ and an apple but spell apple “apol” and then sound out the ‘is” in your head and, presto! Indianaapolis!) today to protest the gay onslaught against straight marriage. I like the term “straight marriage” because for me it embodies what marriage is all about. Straight, no frills, no fuss, no muss, man, woman, love, bedroom and so forth. My religious faith also helps me see the sex act between a man and woman as clean, crisp and aired-out. The sex act is the most sacred thing we’ve got. Without it we’re lost, lost in a wilderness of gayness that we’ll never find our ways out of. Today in Indianindapolis we saw straights come out and proclaim “We are mad as hell and we’re not going to take it….in an unnatural way….anymore!” That has been my calling card as a conservative conservative. That’s right. You’re not seeing double. I call myself a conservative conservative because I am at the conservative end of conservatives. And you may ask doesn’t that make me a Nazi. And I reply let’s not get too heavy and impressed with ourselves because we read a book.

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