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An exchange between a composer and someone illegally “trading” his sheet music…

Jason Robert Brown is a contemporary composer who discovered his sheet music being “traded” without his permission. He decided to contact one of the people “trading” it on a website devoted to such things and ask her to stop. He published his exchange with this woman. Notice her logic. It is precisely, dead-on and exact in its similarity to every other person engaged in on-line piracy. It’s unbelievable but true. Mr Brown picks up the story:

“Her email comes in to my computer as “Brenna,” though as you’ll see, she hates being called Brenna; her name is Eleanor. I don’t know anything about her other than that, and the fact that she had an account on this website and was using it to trade my music. And I know she is a teenager somewhere in the United States, but I figured that out from context, not from anything she wrote.

On Jun 9, 2010, at 2:38 PM, Brenna wrote:

Sorry. I’m not understanding what you want. I don’t think I’ve ever traded with you before so I don’t think I have any of your stuff to trade. If I have and am, however, and if u have a problem with it, I’ll of course stop. But please explain to me what I have and how I’m doing something wrong. Thanks! Sorry.

On Jun 9, 2010, at 5:52 PM, Jason Robert Brown wrote:

Hi Brenna:

I’m actually me, Jason Robert Brown, and you’re offering several of my songs and scores for “trade” on this website. I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t do that, since it affects my livelihood considerably when people can get free copies of my work from strangers and I don’t get anything in return. I’m glad you like my songs and I hope you’ll keep playing and singing them, but please don’t “trade” them on the Internet, especially with people you don’t know.

Many thanks,

On Jun 9, 2010, at 4:36 PM, Brenna wrote:

Let me get this straight. You expect me to believe that you are Jason Robert Brown. THE Jason Robert Brown. And that you have taken the time to go onto random websites and create an account just to message people not to trade your sheet music? I don’t mean to be rude, but can you see how I have a bit of trouble believing that?

On Jun 9, 2010, at 7:41 PM, Jason Robert Brown wrote:

Well, I am me – what would anyone else’s motivation be for doing this? You’re getting an email from my actual email address, I don’t know what else would convince you, but I can assure you that I really would like you to stop trading my songs online. Thanks,

On Jun 9, 2010, at 7:43 PM, Brenna wrote:

Quite frankly, there could be a lot of people with motives for doing this. A creeper who thinks he could eventually “prove” that he is who you’re claiming to be by getting me to meet with him. Some kid who thinks it’s funny to pretend to be a genius composer and get an aspiring actress excited. It’s not hard to create an email address with that name in it. I’m just not lucky enough to have someone as famous as Jason Robert Brown email me. It’s not something I could easily believe.

On Jun 10, 2010, at 12:03 am, Jason Robert Brown wrote:

Suit yourself, Brenna, but if you can take down my stuff, I’d appreciate it. Thanks.

On Jun 9, 2010, at 9:20 PM, Brenna wrote:

I’ve taken down your music, but if you’re really Jason Robert Brown, I’d like to ask you a question. Why are you doing this? I just searched you on this site and all of the stuff that people have of yours up there say that it’s “Not for Trade Per Composer’s Request.” Did you think about the aspiring actors and actresses who really need some good sheet music? If you’re really who you claim to be, then I assume you know that Parade, Last Five Years, 13 The Musical, etc. are all genius pieces of work and that a lot of people who would love to have that sheet music can’t afford it. Thus the term “starving artist.” Performers really need quick and easy ways to attain good sheet music and you’re stopping a lot of people from getting what they need. It matters a great deal to them that they can get it for free. Why does it matter so much to you that they don’t?

On Jun 10, 2010, at 12:28 am, Jason Robert Brown wrote:

I’ll answer your question, but I’d like your permission to post the exchange on my website. Deal?

On Jun 10, 2010, at 12:31 am, Brenna wrote:

absolutely! that would actually be kind of cool. but if you wouldn’t mind changing my name in it to “Eleanor.” I’m not sure why my iPod put it as “Brenna” but that’s not what I go by and I don’t like that name.

All right, now a couple of weeks went by because it takes me a while to get around to writing these blogs and I have a lot of other stuff going on. Then I got an email from Eleanor yesterday.

 On Jun 28, 2010, at 4:39 PM, Brenna wrote:

Alright, “Mr. Brown” I have a problem and that problem is your fault. I need the sheet music to “I’d Give It All For You” but thanks to your little stunt, I can’t get it. And I cannot just go to the store and buy it. My parents don’t support my theatre all that much and they won’t buy it for me. And I need it pronto. If you’re actually Jason Robert Brown, what can you do to help me with my situation?

On Jun 28, 2010, at 7:43 pm, Jason Robert Brown wrote:

Well, that’s a stupid question, Brenna. If you “needed” to go see Wicked tonight, you’d need to pay the $140 to do it or you just wouldn’t be able to go. And if you couldn’t go, you’d have to go do something else. Likewise, you should pay for things that other people create, or you should content yourself with the free and legal options available to you.

The sheet music costs $3.99, you can download it in one minute, and you’re doing the legal and correct thing. That’s what I can do to help you”

So, you see, I’m not the only prick out there. Additionally, you can see why it’s often necessary to use an attorney as people just don’t believe they’re talking to you

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