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Casey Anthony Confidante Steve Weese: “I’m Shattered But I Will Be Stronger”

We caught up with Casey Anthony hunk Steve “Beat It” Weese and asked him how he’s holding up since news broke that Casey may have dumped her daughter in the bush, dead of course. “In the early stages it was as if I’d eaten bad food, gas, cramping. I wanted to end it all. As time went along I resigned myself to the fact that my face would be forever linked with hers. Whore? Slut? Cunt? Tramp? They all apply. But when I think of Casey, from now on, the first word that will come to my mind will be Twat. As in I look like a 5 spoon twat in that club picture with her. Douchbag smile and all. I look like a sychophant who doesn’t care what the whore has done. I can tell you when that picture was taken I had no idea what the cunting whore did. None. Now I see my face everywhere. On this website for instance. And again I look like a smirking twat with a Fantastic Sam’s haircut. Someday I’ll look back on all this and smile. And that day will be one day shy of me dropping dead from something, some disease. That’s my luck.

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