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“Dear Phil, I listened to that deranged lady Margaret Gray last night……

……..on your show and almost had a heart failure!
I was an airline pilot for 40 years and now fly as a charter pilot after retirement. I have never, ever heard of the garbage this woman kept repeating and insisting it was the truth. No Captain or F/A would ever, EVER off load a mother because her child was crying! 9/11 had nothing to do with babies crying! Majority of airline crews and passengers are normal human beings and understand babies cry and are very tolerant of those parents. Babies cry because their inner ears do not equalize the pressure differential in the descent. It is very painful and I am sure you have experienced this pain if you’ve ever flown with a cold.
I have also raised 6 children of my own and I have never heard of torturing and beating an infant to make it go quiet!
This stupid woman is a fraud and a child abuser and should be committed!
I have never struck a woman in my life, but I would love to “fan slap” this crazy bitch into sanity!


Name withheld by us on account of not embarrassing the poor guy”

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