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Defense Fund For Kevin Gray-El Pacifico Times

July 20, 2010

Police say priest “stole” $1M for male escorts but was it stealing or a long over-due payday?


Rev. Kevin Gray has meant more than life itself to his degenerated parishioners and now he is felled with this hypocrisy. A July 6, 2010 booking photo released by the Waterbury, Conn., police department shows the Rev. Gray, 64, former pastor at Sacred Heart/Sagrado Corazon Parish in Waterbury, who has been charged with stealing more than $1 million in parish funds to use for male escorts, expensive clothing and luxury hotels and restaurants, things most everyone alive has enjoyed from time to time.

You can well imagine the pathetic bleating of the flock, a familiar noise raised by the psuedo-sacred and sanctimonius. And whoever ratted this humble man out will surely remain a mystery given the sewers todays modern fraternity of faithless haunt.
This then is the reward for years of hearing the most vile and contemptible things in confession, keeping secrets that would drive most other men to the brink. This then is a man’s retirement after patching together, over and over, the threadbare rags of long since befouled marriages. And this then is the comfort of a man who trod the sick halls and chambers of disease and putrifecation, places that long ago were abandoned by doctors, so that he might cool a fevered spirit with prayer.
So he drank, smoked and had men in his bed. So what. After the stunts some of these other priests pulled this guy is a gift from God on high and we say more power to the old poof. Big wow. And he didn’t “steal” anything. That money didn’t really belong to anyone and the people that gave didn’t give it one moment’s thought after they dropped it in the box and any old, poor, immigrant woman that would put any money in a poor box nears her head examined.
—El Pacifico Times All Righst Reserved, that little circle with a “c” in it.

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