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“He had with a University of Alabama homecoming queen that involved Dramamine ‘so she wouldn’t gag.'” Show Log For Thursday January 17, 2013

Bob Green, the CEO of the Frazier Foods grocery chain, talked with Phil and friends tonight about being a “grocery clerk, a guy every one sees as the scum of the earth, a real low-life.” When Phil protested that he was wrong he brought up a date he had with a University of Alabama homecoming queen that involved dramamine “so she wouldn’t gag.”Debbie Daly on a recent broadcast trying to make herself understood

Debbie Daly, the hearing impaired host of the Daly’s Daily radio show, checked in later to comment on Bob’s story, saying she’d been involved in something similar but first she wanted to know why Phil was repeating everything she was saying. (If he didn’t no one would understand her) Phil tried to cover up the fact Debbie’s speech in incomprehensible because she thinks people understand her just fine. If she found out otherwise she’d come unglued and her father is a major financial supporter of the Phil Hendrie show.

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