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I’m Gay..And Why I’m Saying This Now

At least 7 or 8 other times I’ve made the claim that I’m gay with less than welcome results. With the exception of the time I said it at WIOD in 1995 (people said I was commiting “career suicide) and recently on Facebook (people that didn’t believe it spent days trying to convince people that did it was bullshit) mostly people don’t give a high, holy shit. Is it because they know I’m kidding or is it because the regular admissions of homosexuality by celebrities in the media are a bore. Well I’m not a celebrity…not that kind anyway.. so it must be because they know I’m kidding. Now if we were to take that outcome and extrapolate, we’d need to ask another question. How is it Phil Hendrie keeps calling himself gay when he isn’t? Isn’t he afraid of the odd one or two people who will take him serious and think of him as a “fag” forever more? And if he isn’t afarid of that, then he must truly be gay. To use a phrase recently returned to common usage, he’s “hiding in plain sight.” The queer.

           My days in Miami as a hunk

And now this blog. Couldn’t it be, just this once, that I’m telling the truth?

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