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July 31st, 1936-from the Minneapolis Star Tribune

“Bad Advice For
Keeping Cool

Do you not want to keep cool and avoid illness during this hot weather? Then, says Dr. F.E. Harrington, city health commissioner, do all of this:

Don’t ever wear clothing that permits free movement. The outside clothing should be black or dark. Underclothing should be of wool or flannel or silk if you prefer.

Hardly drink liquids at all so you don’t replace moisture lost through perspiration. Lemonade -veryweak – is to be avoided

Eat food thats tough to digest like corns, nuts and cheeses. Four huge meals are better for gaining heat stroke than three small ones.

Throw any fresh fruits you see in the garbage.

Go around half naked and get sunstroke.”

How far we’ve come since then!

“Dr.Harrington’s staffers demonstrate what not to do during a heat wave. These ladies eventually took all their clothing off and went outside.”

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