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Chris comes on to discuss the sexualization of teens, specifically Miley Cyrus.
Chris says he can understand why men are attracted to teenage girls and early 20's because they are much hotter than older women.
Chris then goes into a side topic, comparing milk to women: as in:
"Women are like milk, they don't last very long before they become bitter and sour.."

Some quotes:
"You see, Britney Spears was hot now she's a butterhog.."
"I'd like to get Miley before she curdles.."
"When I'm at the Russy pelican, and a woman in her 30's or 40's look at me.. I'm like "yeah right", as if I'm going to bother doing her.."
"older women have like, ya know, these wobble arms, skin hanging off.."
"some have a stashh on their lip, saggy bresss.. just beasts with cottage cheese, just like milk"
"Once I got really hammered, and woke up to a 40 year old kissing me and I puked in her mouth…"
"Those teen girls man, like sweet cream, sweet and tassy…"

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