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Occasionally, you’ll see this type of person in our comments section…….

a type known as “attention seeking…” Sometimes these people are seeking attention because of jealousy. If they feel Phil is getting all the attention they are supposed to get they respond with attention seeking behavior. They make everything into a drama, usually a poor-me drama having to do with Phil Hendrie and his radio show failing them. They prefer not to solve problems in their own lives but rather capitalize on Phil Hendrie issues and use them as a soapbox for gaining attention. They’ll also misappropriate Phil’s or others people’s statements, eg anything which can be misconstrued as politically incorrect, for control and attention-seeking.

“In every case they perceived they had a personal connection (with me) of some type that was broken and they can’t let it go.”

One of their more obvious traits is to show a lot of indignation, especially when challenged.  They are easily provoked and feign victimhood, claiming they have been used, lied to or insulted. We always know which posts will generate the most comments from these types. Also, they are often miserable as sin except when constructing a moment of charm in order to deceive others that are commenting.


Lack of self worth can be a cause. Some people think that they are overlooked and so they think that the only solution to restore their balance is to bring back the lost attention. The attention they will get in this case will provide them with reassurance and will help them think that they are worthy.
Arrogant & overconfident people seek attention because they have the feeling that they deserve to be in the center of attention and they haven’t been since they were babies. Because they aren’t mature enough they still think with their inner child’s mentality which makes them believe that they are the center of the world.

Understand that it is not possible to actually communicate in a mature adult manner with a disordered individual like this who’s emotionally undeveloped.

You’ll see some people commenting here asserting their independence even as they express needs. How do they reconcile that?  Their basic disturbance is the denial of feeling.  It is a defensive position.  Although they may be motivated out of feelings of hurt, they attempt to deny the hurt and represent themselves as the very opposite of what they actually are; cool, calm, strong, independent.  In this way they are guaranteeing that their experience of themselves and their interactions with others are based on untruths, lack of genuineness, and falsehood.  They are also guaranteeing that their true needs will not be met, since their inner needs are denied in order to present the cool facade.  It is a self-perpetuating disorder.

Phil: “Of the unhappy people you see in our comment section some are fans that feel I disrespected them, people that felt they had great business ideas for me and I rejected them, a few members of the broadcast industry (which is really disturbing) a female angry I broke off a 5 month on again-off again relationship and others who wanted some level of friendship or personal contact that I did not desire. In every case they perceived they had a personal connection of some type that was broken and they can’t let it go.”

Now, some brutally honest traits associated with the Internet attention-seeker you may see here. He:

lives in a 1-room apartment which hasn’t been cleaned for months – if ever
has poor personal hygiene
has poor table manners
has poor social etiquette
hasn’t changed the sheets on his bed for months, which are now best
described as crusty
has a bathroom, the state of which doesn’t bear thinking about
lives on pizza and beer/coke, the remnants of which litter his apartment
may have an unusual pet (eg ferret) which has free run of the apartment
is either significantly over- or under-weight
has a small moustache or other facial hair
has not held down any job for more than a couple of years, probably less
has no friends
has no life outside the Internet

Comment away everyone and please try and have respect for each other. We’ll do the same.

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