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Our Overnight Bit Questions……

 Paul St.George
Subject: Urine
Message: Phil,

On one of the shows that you did near the end of your sojourn on A.M. radio (I think it was Premiere Radio), you did a skit where one of your male characters went out to check on his kid and friends who were camping in the backyard. He was only wearing a long T-shirt, and as he stepped over one of the kids he accidentally dribbled urine in the kid’s eye. The whole skit was hilarious. (I beleive it was around the time you were shooting Teachers.)

Subject: Tom Joyner
Message: Hello Phil,

You did a bit about the Tom Joyner Morning Show and I simply can’t find it on your site. Can ya help a brother out?


David A.
Subject: question regarding an old bit
Message: Phil,
I’m trying to locate an old bit of yours, and I think it had to have been around 1998 or 1999. It was the first time that I actually “got” your show, so I’d love to hear it again.

In this bit – a guy (perhaps Bosell, but there was no law suit involved) was upset because he was arrested at the grocery store. He claimed that he was just “testing the merchandise” and argued that everyone tries a grape or two from the produce section. It turns out that he not only ate some grapes, but he also took a slug from a gallon of milk, gargled with it, and spit it back into the bottle. He also took some toothbrushes “for a test run”.

Any guesses on the character and when it might have aired?

Help appreciated.

David A.

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