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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

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Hour 1: Phil talks about politics, healthcare, and takes some phone calls. Vernon Dozier calls in to talk about the Obama healthcare plan. He thinks the plan is an abortion. He says people who are for the healthcare plan want their Ma Ma.

Hour 2: There's a story about a soldier who lost his legs when a gallbladder removal surgery went wrong. Phil talks about healthcare and takes some calls. He talks about Glenn Beck, Van Jones, and Michele Bachmann.

Hour 3: A school shows a video called I Pledge. A bunch of celebrities make various pledges, including pledging to be a servant to Barack Obama. Phil talks about global warming. There is a story about a school having access to the children's Facebook and Myspace accounts when they disobey. Then he takes some phone calls. Margaret Grey calls in to change gears as she puts it. She wants to talk about healthcare. She is offended by a comment a caller made earlier when he said people who are for the healthcare plan want the Federal nipple. Then the stories we couldn't get to.


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