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Phil Hendrie’s Greatest Radio Show Web Site On The Planet-Comments Section

I don’t care what people say necessarily but some people have decided to use the names of real people to express their whatever….opinions?..and that’s no good.

Beside my own name there have been several other names used by individuals who don’t own them but other people do.  I’ve asked our tech guys to look into the problem. The solution I favor is for comments to be posted using the subscribers user name. Some people use their real names here. In any event, we would have information on that individual in case they violated someone’s privacy or libeled them or we decide we don’t want them hanging around us any longer.

Secondly, for the record, I take off days that are owed me, that might be sick days or that might be summer vacation days. Neil Rogers in Miami, one of the greatest radio personalities to have ever lived, took 3 months a year just so he could get away from it. Thats 12 weeks. Cancel your subscription if you don’t like it.

Our show plays great as a “Best Of”. In fact it’s a first for radio to have a modern show play so well episodically so we use the show that way when need be.

We work very hard, we have great customer service, we have the greatest radio website on the web. And the greatest radio show in the world. And most people know it.

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