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Show Log for Friday, April 23, 2010

Tonight it was Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police telling Phil about “Operation Safe Streets” which is a campaign to go door to door and find out “how green people are.” In the course of talking to people at the door, if Jay or his men happen to step over the threshold to “take a peak around” people need to go with it otherwise “that’s a red flag.” Jay basically cited case law (or tried to) that he claims says if a cop is suddenly chased into your house by a bee and while he’s in your house he sees cocaine, he can bust you. Idea by the way from BSPer Sgt. Sittle. Next up Austin Amarca, a cabinet-maker from Lancaster, Ca. wants a law passed prohibiting people who make under $40, 000 a year and win a hundred million dollar jackpot from getting any publicity. Why? Because for a guy like Austin, who serves his daughter Eggo’s in the morning instead of real buttermilk pancakes because he doesn’t have time to make them, hearing about some guy with no teeth who works in a convenience store winning 258 million in Missouri Powerball is almost too much to bear.

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