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Show Log For Friday June 21, 2013

Steve and Bobbie were tearing around Bass Lake when they clipped a floating outhouse and plowed into a mobile bait concession

Bobbie and Steve Dooley called from Bass Lake, California aboard their speed boat as they were tearing ass all over the lake in the dark. Their little “safety excursion” ended when Steve accidently took out a floating outhouse that the town sherrif, Hessler Nutenberg, had set down in to take a dump, leaving Bobbie with the anchor chain wrapped around her neck

Dr. Ron Tarner discussed his fervant desire with Phil that UFO’s exist as alien craft because he wants them to destroy mankind. Dr. Tarner is frustrated by the stupidity of UFO fanatics and wants them to be proven right so that the aliens that do exist wind up eating everyone and leaving Earth a barren plant.

RC Collins and Cadet Watson checked in on the discussion and assured Phil’s listeners that they would stand against alien invasion and that Watson would “rip the heads off the Martians and crap down their necks.”


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