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Show Log For Friday October 24, 2014

Richie Bougainvillea returned with a look ahead at game three of the World Series but not before he hung up on the crew when Margvaret made a disparaging reference to him wanting “everyone’s face in it.” 

We also heard from Jay Santos and how he would have dealt wirth the hatchet attacker. He also gave us some background on how they select whose house will be a substation for the weekend and what else they do overnight while listening to the police calls. Hint: video games and dirty magazines

Good time, while you have your wallet out counting up how much you have for TV-viewing snack food and beer, to go ahead and make a worthwile purchase…a purchase of tickets to The World of Phil Hendrie: Truth Is Our Bitch for the Ontario Improv, October 29. Let’s meet and greet

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