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Show Log For Monday October 21, 2013

Some rogue tanker siphons water from Bosell’s pond..


General Gaylen Shaw, at a local mall with his wife eating Pepperidge Farm dessert and being hassled by kids, commented on what he thinks is a disaster of a rollout for Obamacare. He and Phil debated the relative effectiveness of while General Shaw wondered if ‘zombie bite” iis covered.

Steve Bosell watched as yet another tanker plane siphoned water from his pond to fight a fire in someplace called “Gorgo Village, a village that was in flames hours ago but now is a bustling center of commerce with ox carts rolling in and out.” Apparently there was more than one plane because Bosell recognzed some kid flashing his ass out the window as one of them flew by. Bosell dropped his pants and prepared to do it back when an actual LA County tanker flew by…

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