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Show Log For Tuesday April 15, 2014

   What Jay Santos recommends to the people of Ukraine if the Russians  make their move

Well that was bullshit because neither Dr. Ron Tarner or this Will Garbarini ever showed up on the show for which Phil and the crew will pay dearly tomorrow morning…. Phil was rolling Ukrainian TV and doing voice-over which made for a pretty funny pre-show but only on the videocast. Later General Shaw began discussing the military situation there but it became apparent he was irritable and argumentative and it was then that he copped to the fact he’d taken a handful of dexedrine before coming on the show…Jay Santos of the CAP advised the citizens of the Ukraine to avoid contact with the military operation. Open the door if need be to the troops, turn your back, hold aloft a jar of lube and have your belt buckle loosened… Dr. Jim Sadler had a touch of the flu and so was bathing as he talked with Phil and the crew about e-cigartette restrictions, partially blaming it on Phil opening his yap about watching a friend “blowing reefer” in a restaurant…. Vernon Dozier had his usual meltdowm over guys needing their “MA-MA’s” this time over a report that young fathers can suffer from post-partum depression as well as mothers… The Bobbie Dooley Podcast featured another beating of Steve, at the hands of  Gene Wiffner for stepping to Gene in a power play…

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