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Show Log For Tuesday August 20, 2013

Would you have sex with her?

Our show this evening featured RC Collins, Cadet Watson and Commandant Weirman upset with the young females of America going nuts over One Direction while the cadets are forced to “thumb it at 5th and Main.” (The location of Bradley Military Academy) Granger Batholemew and Don Berman discuss the “Eric” Snowden story until they find out it isn’t “Eric,” it’s “Edward.” Mr. Bartholomew says that he is a hard working journalist and when he comes home at the end of the week his girlfriend knows he’s been working hard because he smells like “fecal matter.” 

Dr. Phil McGraw tweeted something controversial like “would you have sex with a drunk girl, yes or no?” It was immediately condemned by all……all except Dean Wheeler who said the doctor was simplya asking for advice!

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