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Show Log For Wednesday October 22, 2014

People of the Ozarks

Richie Gunn (who will probably change his name because it sounds like Tim Gunn and so does he) reported on the World Series from Kansas City while heading to the airport to go to San Francisco. When he realized there was another game in KC he ordred the driver to turn around and head back to the hotel. The driver hung a u-turn in the middle of the freeway prompting a scream from Richie.

Professor Emory Clayton commented on the video of a well known boating accident from 2012 shown by Phil and the panel. It happened on the Lake of the Ozarks and because of that Margaret stated she didn’t want to be seen getting into a boat there for fear she’s assumed to be “an inbred.”

Get tickets everyday to The World of Phil Hendrie: Truth is Our Bitch at the Ontario Improv, October 29. That’s right. Everyday, two or four a day.

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