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“So Phil had to step in and restore order as Bud screamed ‘It’s a madhouse I tell you! A madhouse!’ Show Log For Tuesday December 18, 2012

Margaret insisted on playing the part of Kathyryn Bigelow in a Phil-conducted interview about “Zero Dark Thirty” the new Bigelow film about the hunt for Bin Laden. She got upset that she was being first “interviewed” near a pond on the Steve Bosell property and later at a carnival. 

Bud and Robert got embroiled in an argument over Bud’s “impression” of Henry Kissinger. When Robert tried to do one though Bud said he sounded like “Frankenstien….no, wait a minute…Frankenstien’s daughter!”This is what Bud said Robert sounded like doing an impression of Henry Kissinger 

Margaret assaulted Bud twice in the show, both times below the belt. So Phil had to step in and restore order as Bud screamed “It’s a madhouse I tell you! A madhouse!”

Weird show

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