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Tarner and his fiance and his friend “Dr. Melton” stripped and puttered around Tarner’s yard stark naked waiting for the neighborhood watch guy to say something. Show Log For Thursday March 22, 2012

Dr. Ron Tarner of the Mountain Meadow Observatory in Colorado talked with Phil about the “neighborhood watch vigilante” in his neighborhood who has “his nose shoved up everyone’s business.” In order to force a confrontation Tarner and his fiance and his friend “Dr. Melton” stripped and puttered around Tarner’s yard stark naked waiting for the neighborhood watch guy to say something.A type of French nudist Dr. Tarner wanted to emulate

Steve Bosell, excited about an upcoming Kiss and Motley Crue tour, went looking for his old Crue and Kiss t-shirts that he got as a teenager. They were gone. His wife April had “given them or sold them to…a Mexican.” Steve is questioned by aspiring LAPD officer and hispanic male Dave Oliva

Also featuring tonight Jay Santos, David G. Hall, Vernon Dozier and Mrs Grover, Larry’s mom

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