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The Tragedy That Is FaceBook Part One

In my opinion there is nothing wrong with being a Satanist, or devil worshipper or wiccan or witch or what-have-you so long as you aren’t carving someone’s cat or drinking my blood or anything else that  violates a good and reasonable law. A heads up though. If you describe yourself on your Facebook profile as a “born Satanist” and then go on to say that you are a  “professional web designer for various business and personal sites”  as far as I’m concerned you’ve blown the image. If you are committed to the “black arts” and then go out into the world and break bread with housewives and plumbers in order to get their web site business I think the whole thing winds up making you look like 50 yards of dipshit. You’re no longer Drago or Blacula the Satanist. You’ve become the web design guy with the pierced lip, black fingernails, and purple mascara. You’re the weird fucker who does a pretty good job….most of the time….and that’s it. Idea: If you are The Black Saint or some other persona on Facebook…don’t let anyone know what you do for a living because I don’t think putting down “web designer” looks any cooler than “milk man” when you’re a slave to Satan.

Hi, I’m into the demon.

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