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To Let You Know…..

…I have had insomnia, really, since I was a kid. In some ways it’s why I got into radio because during those sleepless nights I listened to alot of radio. I’ve also had other sleep disorders including one called sleep paralysis. (Those of you who have that know how really scary that one is) Usually, I can deal by catching sleep in the afternoons or just toughing through a work day the best I can. But last night (Thursday/Friday) I did not sleep at all and haven’t had more than 45 minutes since Wednesday night. I’ve been to the doctor who has given me a sleep aid and there are other things that I have to do therapeutically. But it also makes doing a radio show tonight impossible. It’s 7pm Pacific and I put off making this decision as late as I could. Quite simply, I have to sleep. I do apologize. I am busy outside of radio as you know because these days having more than one job seems to be the norm. But this is a problem that doesn’t make me money. It just keeps me off the air. I promise though that I’ll be back Saturday night and I believe that I have some better tools now to deal with this problem so I’ll see you next week as well.

 Thank everyone for your understanding. I’m really grateful for the growing number of BSP’s we have. We will soon have our media (audio and video) available on-demand for your Apple device. We also have a Bobbie Dooley item scheduled for the Shop and we’ll have a new way for you to listen to the show….all as soon as I get some sleep..– Phil

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