Search Results for: Ted Bell – Page 2

Ted's View   Ted Bell was rushed to an area hospital after suffering an asthma attack midway through Sundays Denver-Dallas football game. Steve Bosell carried Bell outside the broadcast center, laid him on the ground and then went back inside to call the game. Bell lay there on his back for 90 minutes with beer and ice cream being spilled on his face. His only break came when a woman wearing a skirt with no underwear stepped over him a half a dozen times. "Unfortunately I was too weak to move but I'm grateful," said Bell
Ted Bell says he'll stand over his "All you can eat" salad bar and tell his customers they are looking a little overweight, a customer named Clara Bingham calls in to complain.(0:28:21)
Uh, I'm Ted Bell. They tell me the cap got put on that well. That's nice. Why I wasn't given the heads up on that is beyond belief. I make it my business to cultivate friends in the media because they are generally people who have a pipeline to what's going on. One of those people is..thank you...Phil Hendrie. And yet I have to log onto his web site to find out BP has capped this thing AND that the price of BP stock has started to climb. I don't care if Mr. Hendrie has a radio show to do or if he has bills to pay or if he has to, you know, as the saying goes, see a man about a dog. When he has potentially lucrative information...strike that...nothing potential about it..when he has lucrative information like this BP well cap and he doesn't have the common decency to punch on his phone and give me a friendly "drop dead" I don't know what. He could have called and farted into the phone, screamed, laughed, thrown the phone out of a moving car. That's how good I am at picking up the cues and reading between the lines. I can hear the sound of a phone being thrown from a car and I know that means BP stock is priced right---jump it, climb it, grunt on it. Sorry for the crudity. But what's crude is me knowing that BP stock was priced right and I didn't strike when I had the chance because Phil Hendrie..of the WORLD FAMOUS PHIL HENDRIE SHOW....decided to let me rot in the Okee-fu-Stupid swamp. I'm Ted Bell
.......and I invite you to Ted's of Beverly Hills, since 1975...with a one year pause to get our books together and do some remodeling...Ted's has been serving up the best steaks in..well, the world! From our Porterhouse for two to our Filet's, New York's, Kansas City's and Baseballs' we've got it all. When we say we want to put our meat in your mouth what we mean is we want you to eat our steak. It doesn't mean what some filthy minded morning show disc jockeys have said it means.....and you know what I'm talking about. When I say I want to slide my meat into your mouth and watch your eyes pop out of your head and hear you mumble with delight I mean we are proud of our slow-cooked Prime Rib and all the entrees. And you talk about side dishes. Roasted asparagus, cabbage and garlic mashed potatoes, basil carrots, the dry, garlic beans that have become a favorite and so very many more that have nothing to do with sticking meat in your mouth, so please clean your mind up. Our Prime Rib Room is our lounge. It's called the Prime Rib Room because that's where we used to slow cook our prime rib until we expanded after my father was hospitalized for acute alcoholism and I was able to begin to put my stamp on the place. I kept the name "Prime Rib Room" because I couldn't get anyone to call it The Bell Bar. They wanted to remember it the way it was when my father was sober. So, instead I invented...that's right...INVENTED...the Ted..a Captain Morgan's and Coke. I also INVENTED wrapping tin foil around a baked potato and I was the one that said "Don't you think these steak knives would cut better if the edges were serrated?" And by the way on any given night you might see a movie or television star having a quiet cocktail in our Prime Rib Room although, as I'm sure you've guessed, you won't be allowed near them unless you and I reach an understanding. Join us won't you. Family friendly (to a point) and the food is out of this world (to a point) Ted's of Beverly Hills!! (Located in Beverly Hills)
Monday, Ted Bell Returns And Talks About Just How Hot He Is For The Bear Pit Chick
Ted Bell butchers the play by play and Steve Bosell carves up whatever commentary he can provide as PhilTV has audio play by play of the Broncos and the Giants from Giants Stadium, New Jersey
Don't miss Ted Bell butchering the play by play and Steve Bosell doing commentary only a 4 year old could enjoy, together week in and week out doing radio coverage of the Almost NFL on PhilTV
PhilTV in HD in Minutes..BSP's..get in your pick for the greatest TED Bell bit of all..Friday deadline!Great steak house moment..Paul Castellano, head of the co-called Gambino family of the US mafia lies dead after being shot and killed in front of Sparks Steakhouse, New York City, December 1985
My Occupy LA Arrest, by me, Ted Bell,, Click Here       Occupy LA © protester, I think
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