Search Results for: Jay Santos – Page 32

Ep. 3221

Jay Santos is on stage at Ted’s of Beverly Hills.

Ep. 2710

Everyone has had it, “stretched thin” by the pandemic. Jay Santos

Ep. 567

Richie Bougainvillea returned with a look ahead at game three of the World Series, but not before he hung up on the crew when Margaret made a disparaging reference to him wanting "everyone's face in it." We also heard from Jay Santos and how he would have dealt with the hatchet attacker. He also gave us some background on how they select whose house will be a substation for the weekend and what else they do overnight while listening to the police calls. Hint: video games and dirty magazines. Get ready world for The World of Phil Hendrie live and stop, the Ontario Improv in Ontario, CA on Oct on sale now! Episode 236 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 265

Phil has his last recording session of the season this morning, so we've cut together a "Best Of" to tide you over until tomorrow. Phil and the panel talked about hacked iCloud photos and, of course, it got around to Margaret and the possibility that her phone got hacked and that there's a photo out there of her "with it parked on Frank's nose." Then Jay Santos joins the show to give his two cents on why Apple screwed the pooch. In the next segment, David G. Hall called to remind Phil not to get so "cool" and "laid back" when he talks about so-called "Molly," the drug MDMA, which is also known as "Ecstasy." Phil and the crew were talking about the suspension of Denver Bronco Wes Welker for using Ecstasy during the Kentucky Derby. Chris Norton then called in to offer his professional knowledge on the subject. And then the show closes with guest hosts August Selsen and Lady Beth from our Labor Day special. Episode 254 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 266

Phil's working on his new pilot all day, so we brought in two guest hosts for today's podcast. First up is Bobbie Dooley, who called a halt to the violence she has visited on Steve and other men in light of the Ray Rice video. She did have Jay Santos come in and hog-tie both her husband Steve and staff announcer Gene Wiffner until they learned to keep their mouths shut while she is talking... Closing the show is Dr. Ed Elcott, who faces his toughest test yet as he interviews the "elemental/elevate" daughter of two near-Overlords, the 4 year old Beans Habershall. Dr. Elcott must endure the contradictory nature of the child, her peculiar babytalk and the judgment of the Overlords who may bring out the "Overlord Leveling" at any moment. Episode 255 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 281

Phil is leading a casting call today for...well, we can't say, but that means it's time for another "Best Of" for today's podcast. The show starts with discussion of the Ray Rice video, which leads Margaret and Frank Grey to talk about a night both would like to forget. Then Harvey Weirman was interviewed regarding any possibility Rice will play pro ball again, and he commented briefly on net neutrality, but eventually got pissed and hung up... After that, Vernon Dozier was in rare form discussing the Atlanta Hawks and the perception their fans may need to go home to their MA-MA's. On the show briefly this morning was Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police to talk about riot control. He was sidetracked trying to order some kind of a breakfast sandwich that kept coming back with not enough bacon on it. Closing the show is "I Remember Hollywood" with Frank Grey, as he gender-confuses his way through early Hollywood memories of agents, producers, and actors. Episode 265 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 293

Phil brings on Jay Santos and Frank Grey to discuss the Sony hacking story and the Citizens Auxiliary Police PeepCam breaking down. Episode 272 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 320

Major Elvis Newton, the Newton, gives a rare monologue on his life, the Citizens Auxiliary Police, and a rare rift with his Brigadier Admiral, Jay Santos. Episode 289 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 351

Phil checks in with Bobbie and Steve Dooley about gift giving for Valentine's Day. Also, Jay Santos and Rudy Canosa comment on who may have been responsible for the burning of the Dunphy brothers in effigy outside Ted's restaurant Tuesday morning. Episode 309 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 353

Phil's rehearsing for the one-man show tonight, so we've got a "Best Of" for today's podcast. Kicking off the show is Jay Santos and Dave Oliva discussing White House security and whether Secret Service agents are supposed to take a bullet for the Presidential pets too. Up next is Dean Wheeler, who unveils a new horn player for his wife's band and a song Dean wrote for Emerelda. Wait'll you hear this. Dr. Ron Tarner and Don Micksa close the show, discussing Ebola, amongst other things... Episode 310 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.
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