Phil is leading a casting call today for...well, we can't say, but that means it's time for another "Best Of" for today's podcast. The show starts with discussion of the Ray Rice video, which leads Margaret and Frank Grey to talk about a night both would like to forget. Then Harvey Weirman was interviewed regarding any possibility Rice will play pro ball again, and he commented briefly on net neutrality, but eventually got pissed and hung up... After that, Vernon Dozier was in rare form discussing the Atlanta Hawks and the perception their fans may need to go home to their MA-MA's. On the show briefly this morning was Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police to talk about riot control. He was sidetracked trying to order some kind of a breakfast sandwich that kept coming back with not enough bacon on it. Closing the show is "I Remember Hollywood" with Frank Grey, as he gender-confuses his way through early Hollywood memories of agents, producers, and actors. Episode 265 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.