Brett Favre, Jenn Sterger nude pics scandal fodder for David Letterman, Jay Leno, Phil Hendrie (photos link) Comics are not cutting Minnesota Vikings quarterback Brett Favre any slack over the scandal involving him allegedly sending photos of his penis to Jets employee Jenn Sterger. This week, David Letterman, Jay Leno and Phil Hendrie have all weighed in on the scandal. Click here for a previous article on the scandal that includes the incriminating cell phone photo that allegedly shows Brett Favre naked from the waist down. But be cautioned, it is not suitable viewing for work. The photo was incorporated into a video from the Web site The site paid for the photos. The scandal made David Letterman’s top ten list. Here is the list: 10. Part of my audition for ‘Jackass 3D’ 9. Uhhh, I was dehydrated 8. An Autograph seemed so impersonal 7. Too many concussions 6. Meant to send it to Commissioner Goodell 5. No habla ingles 4. Offensive line let me down 3. Don’t blame me, I voted for Kucinich 2. If I can’t text inappropriate photos then the terrorists have won 1. Thought the cell phone was gum. Jay Leno quipped “Evidently Brett Favre sent pictures of his genitals to a female reporter, but you cannot convict a man on circumcision evidence.” National radio talk show host Phil Hendrie took on the Brett Favre/Jenn Sterger scandal for an hour on Friday night and again for an hour on Monday night. On Monday, Hendrie’s regular pseudo guest Larry Grover of Conservatives of Kern County, insisted to incredulous callers that it is a regular occurrence for men to send photos of their penis to women. “There isn’t a man listening right now who hasn’t done this,” Grover insisted. He explained that it is a normal part of the process of getting to know a women. “If you expect to get any further down the road, you had better send a picture of it,” said Grover. Grover called it “humorous interplay” and insisted that when a woman gives a man her cell phone number she should expect to be sent a photo of the man’s penis. Grover asked a woman caller, “How many penises have you seen on your cell phone?” The caller said she had seen one from a former boyfriend but insisted that that was part of the reason she was no longer seeing him. As previously reported, on Friday, one of Hendrie’s other regular “guests,” Pastor William Rennick of the Joyful Union Congregation in Bellflower , California, insisted that the media wasn’t being fair by being so harsh on Tiger Woods while giving Brett Favre a break. Pastor Rennick told a caller, “He sent a picture of a white penis, that’s OK but if he sent a picture of a black penis, then Katy bar the door.” Jay Leno can be seen locally in the San Francisco Bay Area on KNTV weekdays at 11:35 pm. David Letterman can be seen at the same time on KPIX. Phil Hendrie's show is broadcast on KNEW 910 AM 10 p.m. - 1 a.m. weekdays.