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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Bobbie and Steve Dooley forgot to tell us that someone changed the marquee to say Boob Doley. Steve Bosell has heard even more disturbing news about sex robots. They now have the possible ability to kill. Now Steve wants a night of long knives against the sex robots. Jeff Dowdder on the murderous legend of The Bunny Man.

The BSP Classic Hour is from April 2005. Steve Bosell is suing Las Vegas. He says he has gone there with the sole intention of drinking ice water and playing a tiny bit of blackjack. But no sooner does he get off the plane then the doorman at the hotel is “sending messages telepathically” telling him to go to Olympic Gardens where Steve drops 1500 bucks on lap dances.

Episode 1079 of The New Phil Hendrie Podcast


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