Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Brea the cat invades the studio while David G Hall brings on Dave Neener, program director at K-PAL a CBS affiliate in Boyster, CA to bust on Phil for busting on CBS. Terry Duganey is a voting demographer who loses it when Phil and the panel are paying attention to Brea.
The BSP Classic Show is from November 2002. Log by Paul Dintino. Vernon Dozier talks about pee-wee football. Phil talks more about CBS doing a reality show based on The Beverly Hillbillies. Phil does “3 things: Rock & Roll CD Bonus tracks, Dream interpretations & Men who dance.” R.C. Collins joins the fun with some fresh ideas about capturing Osama Bin Laden. Harvey Weirman defends RC’s stupidity.
Episode 1264 of The New Phil Hendrie Podcast