The Media Archive

The Media Archive

The Media Archive

The Media Archive

We’ve got over 45,000 hours of content… wander at your own risk.

Ep. 121

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

More "Best Of" on the radio!

Ep. 118

Friday, April 26, 2013

Phil talked with the panel about music, particularly the history of bluegrass, country and jug band music. Margaret told Phil that his love of bluegrass music was "drying your mind up." All she saw in bluegrass was "a million pairs of overalls coming unglued." Father James McQuarters reminisced about his days singing in an Irish quartet called The Irish Dandies." He also talked about the old days when he first came to Los Angeles County and tried to reach out to the poorer Mexican and Mexican American community by saying mass dressed "in a bullfighter uniform" or "mariachi pants with the buttons down the side." Ted Bell discussed the pizza oven he ordered and then sent back when he found out it had been made in Austria and Steve Bosell is suing Roy Hutchins...again...this time for recording Steve's delighted squeal upon learning Disney will stay open 24 hours at the beginning of Memorial weekend

Ep. 116

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Phil discusses a large floating head found in New York harbor this week and in the process kicks Bud out of the studio when he starts making "head" jokes and then refers to Roberts "thick lips." Harvey Weirman weighed in on the early career of actor Edward Norton and his supposed discovery in New York by agent Shorty Weisback. Weirman got into what he said was Nortons ability to "reach out ajnd strangle anyone with one hand." Margaret also tries strangling Bud, not for the first time. Plus Karen Deauville calls in along with her brother-in-law Jerry to talk with Phil about actor Edward Norton and a "buzz" that Jerry said he saw in Parade magazine claiming Norton has enough strength in one hand to perform "the Vulcan pinch," similar to the so-called death grip used by the character Spock in Star Trek. Also Dr. Ron Tarner on the lunar eclipse and Doug Dannger too.

Ep. 114

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tonight Phil had Don Berman on to talk about AJ Clemente, the sports anchor that dropped the "F" bomb on his first broadcast. Don didn't think it was fair that the kid got a shot on Letterman for having a foul mouth while Don has won the Women Voters League Penmanship award 3 years running "and no one cares if I drop off the end of the earth tomorrow." David G. Hall calls from the car while he's out cruising with Irene, his new girlfriend and gets into it with Phil over why he isn't out doing actual work. Other marvelousness...


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