Search Results for: Margaret Grey – Page 16

Ep. 353

The show started with a discussion of the Chilean earthquake. Margaret Grey brought on her husband Frank to challenge General Shaw's insolence, but all it did was bond the two men together against her "big bazoo" as Frank calls Margaret's big mouth. General Shaw was also angry at what he saw as Malaysian incompetence. "I wanna go down there and knock their tiny little heads together." Dr. Ron Tarner let it slip that he has remarried and he had a meltdown over the fact he now will not receive spousal support money from his ex-wife... And a bunch of other stuff too... Episode 90 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 356

Father James McQuarters was our in-studio visitor this morning. He discussed with us at one point exorcism and his encounter with a "kid that was faking it. I stood over him and began the incantations and so forth and the kid reached up, just like Linda Blair did in that G.D. movie, and grabbed a hold of my nut sack." Dr. Jim Sadler discussed 'body dysmorphia' which is a condition people with anorexia have; that is seeing a body shape that isn't there. At that moment a colleague of Dr. Sadler's walked by and asked Sadler if he had "body dysmorphia of the dick." Sadler, as usual, hung up with his feelings hurt. Margaret Grey joined Bobbie Dooley for the Bobbie Dooley Podcast and discussed the "demonism of some of the music that Phil plays." They concluded that kids aren't at risk, just the parents. Margaret in fact smoked a joint with Frank years ago in a parked car while listening to Venom and felt a phantom demon hand "crawling up my inner thigh to the crotch of my panty-girdle." Episode 92 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 559

The show started off with the good news from Margaret Grey's household that there was no bloody, Ebola diarrhea there at all this morning, much to the general disgust of the crew to which Margaret reacted, typically, with shock and indignation. She recovered enough to butcher up the song "Total Eclipse of the Heart" or as she called it "Turn Around Bright Eyes." Phil also sang. Phil reviewed walk-off home runs that have won league championships, including last night's by San Francisco's Trevor Ishakawa. August Selsen concluded with a brand new half hour of advice on "How to do sex good." Get ready world for The World of Phil Hendrie live and stop, the Ontario Improv in Ontario, CA on Oct on sale now! Episode 231 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 574

Find out what Margaret Grey means when she indignantly proclaims "since 2000, I've been first in line at the omelet station." This episode includes Margaret going off on someone with the "you look like a rube" speech from Silence of the Lambs.

Ep. 844

Today's show is a repeat from Monday, March 23, 2015. General Shaw and Margaret Grey finally go to war, with Margaret turning the tables and landing a right that makes the General unintelligible for the rest of the show. Deane Wheeler is thrown through the window of a nightclub by a customer trying to hear Emerelda's singing. Then for the BSP Classic Hour it's Vernon Dozier, high school teacher, who comes on to explain why he has to take a second job at a “sandwich” shop. From April 2005.

Ep. 1261

Margaret Grey believes she belongs in jail with Amy Schumer. Deane Wheeler addresses controversy surrounding a stretching class and him in a thong. Ted Bell busts Margaret’s quoting of George C Scott in “Patton.”

Ep. 875

Margaret Grey hosts this songfest as the crew fills in for Phil. Margaret also sings “You’re having my baby” and “I wish you love.”
Phil talked about Godzilla tonight, or as Margaret called him, "God-zura or God-zeeya." It was her opinion and Buds as well that Phil creating a photo of a giant baby sitting in downtown Tokyo would be traumatic for the Japanese people to see... Phil discussed the passing of Sheriff John Rovick, a childrens show host in Los Angeles during the fifties and sixties. Margaret then tried to sing Sheriff John's "Birthday Song" but gave it a scat feel that bugged Phil... "I gave it the Cab Callaway. Big deal," said Margaret. Herb Sewell joined the show to discuss Taliban death threats against a fourteen year old girl in Pakistan and the fact that "Phil's big mouth could get him into hot water too." Phil took a lot of heat tonight from Margaret and Bud. As he fractured his grammar at one point by saying "He don't know" Margaret remarked "Phil, you talk like you use the pages of a catalog to wipe with. My God." Speaking of wiping, Mavis Leonard expressed her disdain for the Harry Potter books saying she's torn all the pages out of those books and folded them neatly into a "stack of ass-wipes on the toilet tank. Real handy."

Ep. 416

Margaret and Phil discuss Margaret singing an operatic scale to Judas Priest while she also battles acid reflux with the odd belch...Phil mentions that purchasing a BSP allows the listener to experience not just the show's highs, but also moments of abject, suicidal depression....Robert and Margaret get into an insult festival with Margaret calling Robert an "apple polisher" and Robert saying Margaret is "an ass-licker, licking up one cheek, licking a little of the crack, and then licking down the other cheek." General Shaw thought he came up with a really cool word, "bull-oney", combining bull and baloney....Phil said it wasn't "all that groovy a word." The General then said Phil was using "fancy words like groovy" because he thought he was G-Eazy. Larry Grover and David G. Hall guested..... Episode 137 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.
"3rd week in a row booked into some dump by Frank that's gotta be mobbed up."--Margaret Grey
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