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Search Results for: Jay Santos – Page 40

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

Steve Bosell and Jay Santos talked about a potential lawsuit against the Mexican government for their endless promotion of Mayan civilization. And while Steve and Jay didn't believe the end was near they did develop what they called a subconscious "residual," an involuntary glitch in speech or physical manner betraying anxiety over the topic. Bud milked the whole "Stand By Your Mayan" joke... Dr. Ron Tarner and Vernon Dozier discussed the advances of ancient civilizations with Vernon saying they were overrated. Modern day people slavishly praise older civilizations as "wise" because "we need our MA-MA's. " Dr. Tarner meanwhile was fixated on what he called Dr. Stephen Hawking's bad taste Polish jokes... Maragert Grey talked about the Mayan calender actually denoting the beginning of a new epoch in human history, much like the "Age of Aquarius" Frank Grey came on and bemoaned the fact he had a chance to invest in the musical "Hair" all those years ago and turned it down. Margaret then sang "Age of Aquarius" with husband Frank cheering her on.
This episode features Jay Santos interjecting himself and the rest of the Citizens Auxiliary Police into a fire situation in Southern California, where he was telling people as they came down from their burning houses, "better to leave your pet and go collect your valuables", so that people don't screw over the insurance companies with false claims.

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Margaret Grey sang a version of a song she first heard at the Chinese amabassadors residence in Washington, a song of longing for Taiwan's retrun to mainalnd China's control. Problem was she didn't know the lyrics and hummed 90 percent of it... Tonight Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police warns Phil and Margaret about Chinese spies listening in to the show as Margaret sings. "You got guys all over the country in dark suits, white dress shirts, bucked teeth and horn-rimmed glasses nodding approvingly," Steve says like an imbecile. When Phil tells him he's engaging in a racist stereotype that actually is more directed at the Japanese, Steve is stunned into silence...        The Hobbit...a cheap creep Frank Grey talked about his days as an entertainment lawyer and manager and how he felt about the Harry Potter films. "Harry Potter was a cheap piece of you know what. I hated her." Same goes now for "The Hobbit." "I hate the Hobbit's guts. She's the cheapest creep going..."
Margaret Grey sang a version of a song she first heard at the Chinese amabassadors residence in Washington, a song of longing for Taiwan's return to mainland China's control. Problem was she didn't know the lyrics and hummed 90 percent of it... Tonight Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police warns Phil and Margaret about Chinese spies listening in to the show as Margaret sings. "You got guys all over the country in dark suits, white dress shirts, bucked teeth and horn-rimmed glasses nodding approvingly," Steve says like an imbecile. When Phil tells him he's engaging in a racist stereotype that actually is more directed at the Japanese, Steve is stunned into silence... Frank Grey talked about his days as an entertainment lawyer and manager and how he felt about the Harry Potter films. "Harry Potter was a cheap piece of you know what. I hated her." Same goes now for "The Hobbit." "I hate the Hobbit's guts. She's the cheapest creep going..."

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Phil and Jay Santos discuss the George Zimmerman pictures showing Zimmerman beat up and what constitutes the proper use of deadly force. Jay said he saw a face like that once....his own, after hassling some people in line to see "A Team."  Bud and Robert talked about the various zombie films with Phil and whether or not any "choir members" were seen as zombies. After all, according the Bud, choir members dress like dead people...Was the zombie on the left wearing a choir gown? Margaret vigorously defended Bob Costas' statements about gun control as Phil charcaterized Costas as a narcissist. Frank Grey weighed in on Costas. "I knew her briefly in New York," he said.
Phil and Jay Santos discuss the George Zimmerman pictures showing Zimmerman beat up and what constitutes the proper use of deadly force. Jay said he saw a face like that once....his own, after hassling some people in line to see "A Team." Bud and Robert talked about the various zombie films with Phil and whether or not any "choir members" were seen as zombies. After all, according the Bud, choir members dress like dead people... Margaret vigorously defended Bob Costas' statements about gun control as Phil charcaterized Costas as a narcissist. Frank Grey weighed in on Costas. "I knew her briefly in New York," he said.

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Austin Amarca was back on to conclude his comments from last night about the "industrial sized drum of Vaseline" that Phil claimed was ordered up by Pirate Bay. Austin also spoke about some tradesmen working the same construction jobs as him playing religious tapes loudly while they work. Austin generrally has "some Paw, Anthrax or Cyreth Ungal" to blast back at them.                 Austin's best friends, Anthrax Powerball numbers were drawn today and there were winning tickets sold in Arizona and Missouri. Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police discussed the CAP's effort at insuring people know they haven't got a prayer of winning.. ...We also got some news on the CAP stopping and searching shopping bags carried by teenage girls because it was one such "sack of sin" that ruined Jay's first marriage.... Harvey Weirman attempted to give financial advice from the Rio in Las Vegas on what to do with Powerball winnings but kept stopping his waiter to get a drink order right. "Hey, you with the hair. I want three fingers of Dewars on the rocks and keep that ginger ale out of it."
Austin Amarca was back on to conclude his comments from last night about the "industrial sized drum of Vaseline" that Phil claimed was ordered up by Pirate Bay. Austin also spoke about some tradesmen working the same construction jobs as him playing religious tapes loudly while they work. Austin generally has "some Paw, Anthrax or Cyreth Ungal" to blast back at them.      Powerball numbers were drawn today and there were winning tickets sold in Arizona and Missouri. Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police discussed the CAP's effort at insuring people know they haven't got a prayer of winning.. ...We also got some news on the CAP stopping and searching shopping bags carried by teenage girls because it was one such "sack of sin" that ruined Jay's first marriage.... Harvey Weirman attempted to give financial advice from the Rio in Las Vegas on what to do with Powerball winnings but kept stopping his waiter to get a drink order right. "Hey, you with the hair. I want three fingers of Dewars on the rocks and keep that ginger ale out of it."

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Tonight Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police told Phil he found it 'suspicious" that Obama won the popular vote by a narrow margin but won electoral votes by a wide margin. So he called up Major Elvis Newtons grandson, Corey Newton, at his 'private university' San Diego State, and asaked him to head up to LA to figure it out, he being a guy who studies math "or how to add things up."Austin Amarca debated Vernon Dozier on the subject of the film 'Lincoln' and whether or not it was a 'slap to the face' of the Texas secession 'movement.' Kimberly Guilfoyle seconds after downing a TwinkieBobbie and Steve Dooley came on the show to protest what they claimed was a slow-motion shot of Kimberly Guilfoyle on Fox 'eating a Twinkie in slow motion."
Tonight Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police told Phil he found it 'suspicious" that Obama won the popular vote by a narrow margin but won electoral votes by a wide margin. So he called up Major Elvis Newtons grandson, Corey Newton, at his 'private university' San Diego State, and asked him to head up to LA to figure it out, he being a guy who studies math "or how to add things up." Austin Amarca debated Vernon Dozier on the subject of the film 'Lincoln' and whether or not it was a 'slap to the face' of the Texas secession 'movement.' Bobbie and Steve Dooley came on the show to protest what they claimed was a slow-motion shot of Kimberly Guilfoyle on Fox 'eating a Twinkie in slow motion."
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