Thursday, December 26, 2002

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Thursday, December 26, 2002

Show Log by Paul Dintino
Hour 1:
Larry Grover joins the program to talk about how men have the power to pick the women they want to go out with, not the other way around. He’s a catch because he’s respectful to women asking them to clean, scrub & for sex. Phil tells he did the voice of Larry for the last bit. Margaret was on the show last night and told how had a birthday party for her son Jason J. Delmonico.

Hour 2:
Lloyd Bonified is on to discuss how he feels sad that his wife needs to pee on a long road trip because 9/11 made her soft. She ruined his car seats. David G. Hall and Bud Dickman join in to talk about the top 10 Christmas phrases that sound dirty but really are not such as “Santa’s sack is really budging.” Classic Flashback from Chris Norton and his copyrighted his moves.

Hour 3:
Dave Oliva comes on and is upset about Robert De Niro going to show his movie “Analyze This” to U.S. Troops. Dave thinks he’s doing this to rub in what a big shot he is and how he’ll be boinking their girlfriends while they are away. Flashback from R.C. Collins and Harvey Wireman with “Kiss the Gunner’s daughter.”


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