Search Results for: Chris Norton – Page 31

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

Chris Norton thinks that women should start buying the guys drinks at bars. The problem is that he is "out of pocket" $150 bucks a night buying drinks for chicks that think he's hot. from May 1999.(0:31:02)
Chris Norton's Top Ten Women of Century include: Daisey Fuentes, Jane Mansfield, and other women that have really "nice pairs." But he also throws in Martha Stewart and "that woman what invented birth control." from January 2000.(0:22:02)
Chris Norton thinks hot chicks like Pamela Anderson shouldn't be immune from civil lawsuits. These lawsuits threaten their "hotness." from April 2000.(0:23:52)
Hour 1: Raj Fajneen comes on to talk about the Superbowl. He seems to think that the New Orleans Saints won the game because the players were inspired by President Obama. On the other hand the Indianapolis Colts represents President Bush and just "layed down". Raj keeps calling people bastards and pigs saying that it's okay to call people that in his country. Hour 2: Phil talked about news most of the hour. Larry Grover did call in to say that he was out on a date with a lady who was also a conservative like himself. He told her that he was happy that congressman John Murtha was very ill. Needless to say the date didn't end too well. Hour 3: Chris Norton comes on the program to say that the country isn't ready for a female president. Maybe not for another 50 years. Mostly because all the women that have run for president lately are not hot. Show log by Bonnie Kliewer
Hour 1: Art Griego came on the show to talk about the story of two Northwest airlines pilots who overshot the runway in Minneapolis because they were on their laptops. They claim they were doing business but Art thinks they were on Facebook. He says the passengers don't want to know if something goes wrong in the cockpit. Then an episode of Ironswine. Hour 2: Chris Norton is coming out with a new calender featuring the 11 mistresses of Tiger Woods. He says Tiger Wood's commercial appeal isn't dead because men admire him for his talent and women are attracted to him. Hour 3: Jeff Dowder comes on to talk about the new game Call of Duty 4. He admires terrorism as a political tool. By playing Call of Duty you can be a terrorist and still stay alive and not get arrested. Jeff thinks that when people watch him play the game, they are terrorized.
Hour 1: Chris Norton is coming out with a new calender featuring the 11 mistresses of Tiger Woods. He says Tiger Wood's commercial appeal isn't dead because men admire him for his talent and women are attracted to him. Hour 2: Justin McElroy went to Norway with some other students to attend the Nobel Selection process. Justin says the war was forced on President Obama by George Bush. The President is intimidated by the military. Hour 3: Phil starts out the hour talking about Barbara Walter's interview with Michelle Obama. He plays part of Obama's Nobel Prize speech, then there's some commentary. Researchers find a drug free way to block fearful memories. MTV Jersey Shore gains protestors. Then the stories we couldn't get to.
Hour 1: Nearly half of all U.S. children and 90 percent of black youngsters will be on food stamps at some point during childhood. Vernon Dozier comes on the show to talk about this. He says he was hungry as a kid and children should pass out from hunger at least once in their lives, even if they die. Everyone wants their MaMa and food stamps aren't that bad. Jeff Dowder calls 911 to ask how to hang up a telephone. Hour 2: Chris Norton is with the group Disband. He says the religious symbol, the wedding band, offends single men. It's not a separation of church and state. He proceeds to hit on all the female callers. Hour 3: Vernon Dozier comes on the show to talk about a study that says children should be allowed to sleep in on the weekends to fight obesity. Vernon disagrees. He runs a fat camp called Camp Possibility. He says the study has no viability because the Chinese conducted it. He says fat people are worthless and they're not contributing to society. At the 12:35 mark Dean Wheeler is on the show to talk about the Fort Shoot shooting. Dean says that the shooter Nidal did this to get out of going to war by wounding himself. He thinks that the incident was a blessing to say how wars are destructive, and mental health isn't an issue because Nidal was a psychiatrist. He would have self-diagnosed himself. He says it was humiliating for him to be wounded by a female police officer.
Hour 1: Chris Norton is with the group Disband. He says the religious symbol, the wedding band, offends single men. It's not a separation of church and state. He preceeds to hit on all the female callers. Hour 2: In Massachusets a man gets complaints for putting up an American flag on the celing of his gym. Phil talks about heathcare reform. There were some gunshots fired in front of the hmoe of Lou Dobbs. There's an Ironswine episode regarding this story, then Phil takes some phone calls. Randal Terry thinks that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi should be burned in effegy on Halloween to protest healthcare legislation. Then some other news. Hour 3: Vernon Dozier comes on the show to talk about a study that says children should be allowed to sleep in on the weekends to fight obesity. Vernon disagrees. He runs a fat camp called Camp Possibility. He says the study has no viability bacause the Chinese conducted it. He says fat people are worthless and they're not contributing to society. Then the stories we couldn't get to.
Hour 1: Bob Green CEO of Frazier foods is on the program to talk about the story of the hotel owner in Taos New Mexico who told his Mexican employees to change their names and to not speak spanish in front of him. Bob is doing the same type of thing in his store by renaming the ethnic foods to Americanize them so Americans can understand them better. He claims that most Americans don't know what a Tortilla chip or salsa is. Hour 2: The White House continues to attack Fox News. Phil offers some commentary about this. Then he takes some phone calls. Chris Norton comes on the show to talk about the fact that Levi Johnston is going to pose for Playgirl magazine. Chris thinks only men will see this. He says that Levi has been emasulated by Sara Palin. Then Phil talks about climate change. Hour 3: Jack Armstrong comes on the show to talk about Fox News and CNN. He says that people who watch Fox News aren't too bright. Fox is boring for liberals and progressives. Then the stories we couldn't get to.
Hour 1: The hour starts out with a story of the picture of the President checking out a woman's butt. Phil then goes on to explain how he likes women's butts. Vernon Dozier says he likes women with big breasts. He thinks the men in the United States Senate should stand up to Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer. Instead they want their Mama. Then Phil takes some calls. He talks about Sarah Palin and Levi Johnston. Chris Norton calls in to say he thinks Sarah Palin has sessuality. Then Larry Grover calls in to say Chris is disrespecting Sarah Palin. Chris keep calling the magazine Swank, Swang and Levi Johnston Levi Johnstone and it's driving Larry crazy. Hour 2: Bud starts out by saying Jeff Goldblum isn't doing movies because he's half fly. He thinks the movie The Fly was a documentary. Phil talks again about the club charging $1900 and not allowing black kids to swim in the pool. Then he takes some calls. There is a Lune Alert. A woman thinks that the earth is only 6,000 years old. Bobbie Dooley comes on the program to say it's okay for that daycare owner to forbid black kids to swim in the pool, because it happened at Western Estates. Hour 3: The hour starts out with a story of a man being gored by a bull in Pamplona Spain. A Boston zoo can't afford to stay operating so they are considering euthanizing all the animals. Phil takes some phone calls. Kurt Queedy and Guy Barton from the West Virginia State Legislature came on to say they have introduced a bill combining creationism and evolution. Towards the end of the hour there is some news. Show log by Bonnie Kliewer
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