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Search Results for: Jay Santos – Page 31

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

Ep. 386

Steve Bosell is contemplating a lawsuit against the Clippers for moving him off of his floor seats to the next row back after the team left the Sports Arena for the Staples Center. Steve maintains they gave his floor seat to a black guy which doesn't make sense since Sterling doesn't like them. Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police volunteers his unit and the "DC Federal Bur-gade," a group whose men wear burkhas and whose women wear sports jackets and ties, for "behind the lines service" in Nigeria to help recover kidnapped schoolgirls...yea sure... We gave away more freebies during our pre-show to our Backstage Pass on hand tomorrow AM for more of the free stuff! Episode 114 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

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                     Bosell's Clipper floor seats used to be with other white people Steve Bosell is contemplating a lawsuit against the Clippers for moving him off of his floor seats to the next row back after the team left the Sports Arena for the Staples Center. Steve maintains they gave his floor seat to a black guy which doesn't make sense since Sterling doesn't like them. Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police volunteers his unit and the "DC Federal Bur-gade," a group whose men wear burkhas and whose women wear sports jackets and ties, for "behind the lines service" in Nigeria to help recover kidnapped schoolgirls....yea sure... We gave away more freebies during our pre-show to BSP' on hand tomorrow AM for more of the free stuff! And if you do not have a BSP get one now,...the greatest on-line subscription there is, second only to porn......

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On the show this morning were Mavis Leonard, Professor Emory Clayton, Jay Santos and Art Griego....They panel discussed with them Sterling and Malaysia 370...Gotta Go.....Sterling Press Conference!

Ep. 379

On the show this morning were Mavis Leonard, Professor Emory Clayton, Jay Santos, and Art Griego... The panel discussed with them Sterling and Malaysia 370...Gotta Go.....Sterling Press Conference is starting! Episode 109 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 365

Phil was rolling Ukrainian TV and doing voice-over which made for a pretty funny pre-show, but only on the videocast. Later, General Shaw began discussing the military situation there but it became apparent he was irritable and argumentative and it was then that he copped to the fact he'd taken a handful of Dexedrine before coming on the show... Jay Santos of the CAP advised the citizens of the Ukraine to avoid contact with the military operation. Open the door if need be to the troops, turn your back, hold aloft a jar of lube and have your belt buckle loosened... Dr. Jim Sadler had a touch of the flu and so was bathing as he talked with Phil and the crew about e-cigartette restrictions, partially blaming it on Phil opening his yap about watching a friend "blowing reefer" in a restaurant... Vernon Dozier had his usual meltdown over guys needing their "MA-MA's" this time over a report that young fathers can suffer from post-partum depression as well as mothers... The Bobbie Dooley Podcast featured another beating of Steve, at the hands of Gene Wiffner for stepping to Gene in a power play... Episode 99 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

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   What Jay Santos recommends to the people of Ukraine if the Russians  make their move Well that was bullshit because neither Dr. Ron Tarner or this Will Garbarini ever showed up on the show for which Phil and the crew will pay dearly tomorrow morning.... Phil was rolling Ukrainian TV and doing voice-over which made for a pretty funny pre-show but only on the videocast. Later General Shaw began discussing the military situation there but it became apparent he was irritable and argumentative and it was then that he copped to the fact he'd taken a handful of dexedrine before coming on the show...Jay Santos of the CAP advised the citizens of the Ukraine to avoid contact with the military operation. Open the door if need be to the troops, turn your back, hold aloft a jar of lube and have your belt buckle loosened... Dr. Jim Sadler had a touch of the flu and so was bathing as he talked with Phil and the crew about e-cigartette restrictions, partially blaming it on Phil opening his yap about watching a friend "blowing reefer" in a restaurant.... Vernon Dozier had his usual meltdowm over guys needing their "MA-MA's" this time over a report that young fathers can suffer from post-partum depression as well as mothers... The Bobbie Dooley Podcast featured another beating of Steve, at the hands of  Gene Wiffner for stepping to Gene in a power play...

Ep. 361

Speech impediments were the order of the day on this morning's show. Another Phil Phlip Out as well, this time on what a bunch of stumble-bums they have at CNN and Fox on the handling of this school stabbing story. Phil said that they're all making it worse and they all blow cow. Later on Art Griego gave his morning report on Malaysia Air Flight 370 while Phil was dealing with General Shaw's voice cracking again and "squeaking out." Jay Santos talked about the recovery of a kidnap victim by the elite FBI Hostage Rescue Team. Jay got excited about what he said was an operation where FBI people "swooped in and swooped up the guy and then swooped out again." Meanwhile Jay almost strangled to death on his inability to pronounce the letter "L." And Reverend Dave Castorini came on the show to talk about same sex marriage but because he apparently had not taken his Adderal his speech started to "Fudd," or sound like Elmer Fudd. Episode 96 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

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                                   Bill: "He'd slit your throat for a farthing Speech impediments were the order of the day on this mornings show. Another Phil Phlip Out as well, this time on what a bunch of stumble-bums they have at CNN and Fox on the handling of this school stabbing story. Phil said that they're all making it worse and they all blow cow. Later on Art Griego gave his morning report on Malaysia Air Flight 370 while Phil was dealing with General Shaw's voice cracking again and "squeeking out." Jay Santos talked about the recovery of a kidnap victim by the elite FBI Hostage Rescue Team. Jay got excited about what he said was an operation where FBI people "swooped in and swooped up the guy and then swooped out again." Meanwhile Jay almost strangled to death on his inability to pronounce the letter "L." And Reverend Dave Castorini came on the show to talk about same sex marriage but because he apparently had not taken his Adderal his speech started to "Fudd," or sound like Elmer Fudd. Get a BSP and quit throwing your money into a toilet everyday...

Ep. 350

Phil introduced Nikki via Skype from the DC area. The crew talked about the continuing search for Malaysia Airlines 370. Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police was into his report when suddenly General Gaylen Shaw, angry for some reason, said he didn't want to talk anymore to "this Mr. Santos from the Citizens Dick-suckery Police..." Bud Dickman ran afoul of Margaret Grey for remarking that someone was good at "putting asses in seats and, if you will, asses on faces." Also The Stephen Colbert Report's so-called offensive tweet was kicked around by Phil and Nikki. Some suit at Comedy Central tweeted some lame shit on the Colbert Report account and got Colbert in trouble, people thinking he was firing up a chapter of the anti-Chinese League. Margaret Grey let Nikki know the phrases that carry strong double entendre and that she'll have "none of." They are: "blow by blow", "that's a mouthful", "lickity-split", "he's a handful", "they were licked", "I beat the spread." There are others, but you get the idea. On the Bobbie Dooley Podcast, Bobbie demonstrates and also has a tape handy of the way she sounds when "Steve gives it to her good." Episode 87 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

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     "Beat the spread" is another phrase now on the Margaret Grey "Filth Watch List" Phil introduced Nikki via Skype from the DC area. The crew talked about the continuing search for Malaysia Airlines 370. Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police was into his report when suddenly General Gaylen Shaw, angry for some reason, said he didn't want to talk anymore to "this Mr. Santos from the Citizens Dick-suckery Police..." Bud Dickman ran afoul of Margaret Grey for remarking that someone was good at "putting asses in seats and, if you will, asses on faces." Also The Stephen Colbert Report's so-called offensive tweet was kicked around by Phil and Nikki. Some suit at Comedy Central tweeted some lame shit on the Colbert Report account and got Colbert in trouble, people thinking he was firing up a chapter of the anti-Chinese League.  Margaret Grey let Nikki know the phrases that carry strong double entendre and that she'll have "none of" They are: blow by blow, that's a mouthful, lickity-split, he's a handful, they were licked, I beat the spread. There are others but you get the idea. On the Bobbie Dooley Podcast, Bobbie demonstrates and also has a tape handy of the way she sounds when "Steve gives it to her good.:" BSP's download todays Pre-Show and if you no have no BSP then you get and you like. 
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