Search Results for: Chris Norton – Page 37

Hour 1: Brass Villanueva says Bush's win in the recount is a disaster for Latinos, because Texas has become a Mexican gulag after 5 years of Bush's governorship. Phil closes talking about a special webcast, rants about bad bands. Hour 2: Larry Grover blames his erectile dysfunction on the Democrats possibly taking Congress in 2002. He says Al Gore was lying about bipartisanship. Phil closes with years that end in 0, lawn darts. Hour 3: FIRST HALF. Phil on politics. He says things will get better with George Bush in office (sarcastically?), and says Republicans have never had an original idea. Decorating the Christmas tree. SECOND HALF. Talk about Christmas in Hendrie home, allowances. Phil does Fat Alcoholic Warnings reading personals.

Ep. 307

Merry Christmas! "Elcott The Next Step" takes it to Palm Springs for "the immersion" (he's in a hot tub) on what you call Christmas and what Elcott calls "the Day of Expectation." Episode 280 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.
When R.C. and his buddy Chris Sorenson are unable to get suitable dates for the homecoming dance, Phil jokingly contacts an escort service. But when that falls through, what will convince R.C. and Chris to take a couple of mud turtles like Samantha and Je(0:23:00)
Bob Green, CEO of Frasier Foods doesn't believe in Christmas bonuses. He recently told his staff that their Christmas bonus this year was the capturing of Saddam Hussein. from December 2003.(0:27:26)

Ep. 725

Phil and the crew welcomes onto the show our new reporter-at-large Don Micksa to talk about Anthony Bourdain and whether he's really an adventurer or just a guy with good connections. Margaret gets in the Christmas spirit and sings "Jingle Bells." Chef Chodillia gets frustrated again as he tries to give his recipe for turkey stuffing. And Mavis Leonard comments on her performance in yesterday's "A Christmas Carol."

Ep. 190

Big night with Bobbie Dooley explaining her initial decision to boot a homeowner for lying about acting in porn films, in a sub-genre called "she/he hee hee" (shemale comedies) and "he/she wee wee" (shemale water sports) The accused actresses husband, Duvay Bootman, comes on the program to defend his wife... Raj Feneen and his son Todd called in to talk about their love of Dickensian-style Christmas, the Charles Dickens vision of Christmas. Raj even laughed about the time his son heard "Rama Lama Ding Dong" on the radio and thought it was about Ramadan... Vernon Dozier discusses his new series "Pussy Hits of the Week" where he talks about seemingly brutal hits that weren't brutal at all. This week, the Brandon Browner hit on Wes Welker from 2012.

Ep. 236

Phil and the panel reviewed the Chris Christie/New Jersey/bridge problem and brought on Art Griego and Herb Sewell to discuss it but Herb's past as a despicable felon and his lack of repsect for Art got both of them bown off the air early. Then came Dr. Jim Sadler fielding calls on DNA and how mans lineage is traced to east Africa. With this came incredulous calls from Austin Amarca ("No kidding?") and Bob Green ("I just joined an Aryan businessman's association. Can I get my money back?"). Phil ended the show playing "Walk Like A Man" by the Four Seasons. Margaret commented that it had better not be dedicated to Governor Christie because people would read it as "Waddle Like A Man" and that would be "in poor taste."
Dave Castorini, youth minister, joined Phil to explain his support for Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey vetoing gay marriage. Reverand Castorini said that if gay marriage is passed then it becomes legitimate in the eyes of straight men and is "another option." In his own life the Reverand already had 'straight-style sex with a he-she" because he was far away from his "female congregates" and didn't know what else to do. For Reverand Castorini, a valid option. With Charlie Lefountaine and Jerry Giles.

Ep. 116

Phil discusses a large floating head found in New York harbor this week and in the process kicks Bud out of the studio when he starts making "head" jokes and then refers to Roberts "thick lips." Harvey Weirman weighed in on the early career of actor Edward Norton and his supposed discovery in New York by agent Shorty Weisback. Weirman got into what he said was Nortons ability to "reach out ajnd strangle anyone with one hand." Margaret also tries strangling Bud, not for the first time. Plus Karen Deauville calls in along with her brother-in-law Jerry to talk with Phil about actor Edward Norton and a "buzz" that Jerry said he saw in Parade magazine claiming Norton has enough strength in one hand to perform "the Vulcan pinch," similar to the so-called death grip used by the character Spock in Star Trek. Also Dr. Ron Tarner on the lunar eclipse and Doug Dannger too.
Bobbie Dooley told Phil tonight that people are going to now regret the horrible things they said about "JoPa," Joe Paterno that is, since he's been diagnosed with cancer. "Their horrible accusations will make the cancer grow and eat his brain." Chris Norton, aspiring adult film star and filmmaker, came under fire tonight for saying that while he's produced "The Anal 8" a  porn superhero film, "Twilight: Breaking Dawn Pt 1" is the real porn since it's slicked up porn for teenagers. Norton maintained that kids, after watching humans "have ses" with vampires, will go out into the night looking for rabid dogs to "have ses with and get the Rage Virus."
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