Search Results for: Herb%2Bsewell

Tuesday, December 28, 2004 Hour 1: Don Parsley is the guest during the first hour. He recently got the results back of his wife’s biopsy, and she does not have breast cancer. Despite the good news, Don admits that he thought his wife was a dead woman, so he went out and got himself an insurance policy; he started having an affair with a younger woman with full, healthy breasts. Now Don’s wife is going to live, but he still wants the other girl to come live at their house. Don doesn’t understand why callers are criticizing him. After all, Kobe Bryant did the same thing and he got away with it. Hour 2: Herb Sewell has a documentary coming out about Father’s Day – calling it one of the more painful American holidays. Herb contends that fathers are not seen in the same light as mothers, and the film focuses on some fathers that have been abandoned by their children. In his case, Herb has not spoken to his own children in seven years. Turns out that, during a heated argument, Herb kicked his wife out of the car while it was moving 90mph down the Grapevine, in front of his kids! He claims it was an out of body experience. Herb thinks he should be let back into his kids’ lives since it was a onetime incident, and demands he be permitted to go to his daughter’s wedding. To further prove the act wasn’t that bad, Herb then throws himself out of a moving vehicle. Hour 3: Chris Norton is on the program to discuss the news of Debra LaFave sleeping with a student. Chris’ expertise on the issue is due to him being a young and very good-looking guy who has had sex with many women. Chris feels that LaFave should not be arrested because she is attractive and it will traumatize the young boy into thinking he made a bad choice in women. Conversely, if she were typical teacher, described as middle-aged and overweight, she should be convicted. Show log by Kyle Davis.
Hour 1: Brass Villenueva is a valet at a swank West Los Angeles restuarant. He says that once you give him the keys to your car, he can, by law, use the car to "get a bucket at KFC or a sandwich....but only if it was an emergency." In the past, valets that work for him have borrowed patrons cars only to be involved in police chases or traffic stops that turn into drug busts. Naturally Phil isn't buying it but Brass says, "right there on the ticket it says we are not responsible for stolen and damaged property so I'm not resposnsible for it being stolen even though, technically, I stole it."Hour 2: Steve Bosell, a contractor from Corona, California has filed a civil suit against a group of male neighbors who were over at his home playing ping pong. During the evening, Steve mentioned that he thought Osama Bin Laden was fashioning himself after some of the villains in the James Bond movies. His neighbor Roy Hutchins piped in and said, "Oh really Steve...then did Lex Luther bomb Pearl Harbor?" Everybody laughed including his son Steve Jr.Hour 3: Herb Sewell is on to talk about a documentary he is making about the mistreatment so many father's get. And this becomes so apparent on Father's Day. Herb's three children haven't talked to him in 7 years. They stopped around the time their mother died. On a family trip driving up the Grapevine, north of Los Angeles, Herb's wife Diane started talking too much. Herb said he had a real problem with her not being quiet. The next thing Herb realized is that he was pushing her out of the car. He spent 6 years in a federal men's facility.

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Herb Sewell, a convicted child molester and now academic researcher, came on the show to comment on a particularly heinous case in Los Angeles with the provision that he got to do an analysis of the Super Bowl. Herb hopes to one day do play by play. The following hour Herb hung around and was joined by Vernon Dozier and Margaret Grey to discuss the Super Bowl, a discussion Vernon and Margaret both found distasteful and infuriating as Herb seemed to know more about footbal than either of themVernon Dozier during Bel-Mars loss to Hickory Hill in the Tier One Round-Up
Tonight Herb Sewell was a last minute guest, filling in for a security specialist who got sick. Problem was Herb was talking about the need to pat down young children at airport security....and Herb spent 8 years in prison for molesting children. Herb though said he had served his time and was happy that for the first time in a long time he could talk about kids in a news story that has nothing to due with child abuse. He said he found the experience "very freeing." Ted Bell from Ted's of Beverly Hills came on board to discuss the accidental serving of alcohol to children that occured at a couple of different restaurants last week. Ted said that food servers become so frazzled and disoriented by rambunctious kids they "walk almost as if in a trace to the bar and order alcohol for the kids as a way of medicating them." It even happened to Ted one night when he found himself "filling a kid's sip cup with table wine from a jug."
Herb Sewell, a convicted child molester and now academic researcher, came on the show to comment on a particularly heinous case in Los Angeles with the provision that he got to do an analysis of the Super Bowl. Herb hopes to one day do play by play. The following hour Herb hung around and was joined by Vernon Dozier and Margaret Grey to discuss the Super Bowl, a discussion Vernon and Margaret both found distasteful and infuriating as Herb seemed to know more about footbal than either of them.

Ep. 74

In this episode Herb Sewell is not the pervert recently released from psychiatric confinement, but rather a successful businessman hooked on golf. He thinks his employees need to PROVE they want their jobs. The way to do it? Serve Herb drinks, make him dinner, and tell good jokes while caddying. From October 2002.

Ep. 366

April 2004 and Herb Sewell is operating a "talent agency" (maybe the early stages of parole allowed him to operate a business like that, but as of today, he's still in a half-way house). Herb claims that women are incapable of sexual harassment because of the dues they've paid. They just aren't "stupid enough". Men claim they've been sexually harassed by women because it's "wishful thinking."
Bobbie explains that in order to keep her children fit and trim she feeds them this herbal diet product…A caller asks why she just doesn't promote exercise to the kids…Bobbie lets her know that those kids will be in the business world and not athletics…lik(0:04:36)
Tonight, it was Herb Sewell on the show, a man who spent 8 years in the forensic hospital at Atascadero for a variety of crimes against woman and children. Mr Sewell, who is now in a half-way house, was asked by Phil to comment on a provision of Jessica's Law being struck down, that is the provision stating a convicted predator must stay 2,000 feet away from any private or public school and parks. Herb applauded the ruling saying that now he and other members of the "SOL" (Sexual Offenders League-they have a barbecue twice a year)) would be able to find a place to live. Better, said Herb, to make it illegal for any adult "to bring their child, all dressed up in a ballerina costume, anywhere near me." Next hour we were joined by Dr. Ron Tarner who was impressed by the number of hits a woman's blog got when she wrote about dressing her son like Daphne from "Scooby-Doo" for a school Halloween party. Dr. Tarner decidecd he'd dress his son up like a female for school and see if that helped his boring blog get hits, a blog that doesn't do in a year the traffic this woman's does in a day. Ron's son cried and asked why he had to wear a dress but Ron told Phil "it teaches my son that he can give me back something instead of me giving him stuff. The child support I pay alone is a crime against nature." Ron said his son's experience wasn't all that unique. Ron had a childhood friend named Jim Tanny. Everyone used to think he was related to Vic Tanny, the gym owner. "Imagine how embarrassing that was"
In our first hour we had on the inimitable Jeff Dowder who talked about how he and other educators and business travelers" were going to campaign to eliminate all forms of security at airports because they "deprive us of our Constitution." The time has come, Mr. Dowder said, to open ourselves up to terrorist attack for the potential evidence it might yeild and not to continue to violate our personal freedoms. After all, said Jeff, it's about "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death," something he said he came up with. Herb Sewell was our guest in the following hour. The "pass-out" or "hangman" game being played by young, adolescent boys in which the individual, using a variety of methods, tries to constrict blood flow to the brain briefly thus producing a "high" or altered state of consciousness. Herb was incarcerated at a hospital for the criminally insane following his conviction for child molestation so this sick ass proceeded to explain to Phil and his listeners that adults might as well tell kids how to do it "properly" because they'll do it anyway. In fact Herb learned how to do it himself and believes that it can transport him to the "Cavity of Creation."
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