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Search Results for: Vernon Dozier – Page 33

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

Ep. 265

Tonight Vernon Dozier reviewed President Obama's State of the Union speech, saying the President broke out his "olive oil smile and guinea charm." Phil pointed out that that's what Woltz said Johnny Fontaine had in "The Godfather" and Vernon said that Obama and Johnny Fontaine were both the same kind of guys... Also Austin Amarca on how drones will someday be hovering at your bedroom window looking your wife up and down, Dean Wheeler on his fear of Ted Cruz and Steve Bosell with Bud Dickman talking over the upcoming Super Bowl...

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                     Is this possible someday? Tonight Vernon Dozier reviewed President Obama's State of the Union speech, saying the President broke out his "olive oil smile and guinea charm." Phil pointed out that that's what Woltz said Johnny Fontaine had in "The Godfather" and Vernon said that Obama and Johnny Fontaine were both the same kind of guys... Also Austin Amarca on how drones will someday be hovering at your bedroom window looking your wife up and down, Dean Wheeler on his fear of Ted Cruz and Steve Bosell with Bud Dickman talking over the upcoming Super Bowl...

Ep. 248

Vernon Dozier gets into hot water when he jokingly says to a new Korean neighbor, "don't barbeque my dog!" Vernon believes ethnic insults like that are a good way to Americanize new foreign residents. From January 2004.

Ep. 229

Frank Grey talks about Jason Jay Delmonico and uses the correct gender. That can only mean one thing: the kid's gay. Vernon Dozier returned to talk about a thesis he is working on involving New Years resolutions. But Dickman taunts him and he winds up hanging up with the threat of him driving to the studio to beat Dickman's ass hanging in the air. Jeff Dowder told Phil people in Colorado are too lame to deal with legal weed. They need to be cool like Californians who can maintain with any kind of shit pulsing through their blood...

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Frank Grey talks about Jason Jay Delmonico and uses the correct gender. (he) That can only mean one thing. The kid'a gay. Vernon Dozier returned to talk about a thesis he is working on involving New Years resolutions. But Dickman taunts him and he winds up hanging up with the threat of him driving to the studio to beat Dickmans ass hanging in the air. Jeff Dowder told Phil people in Colorado are too lame to deal with legal weed. They need to be cool like Californians who can maintain with any kind of shit pulsing through their blood...

Ep. 227

Back from vacation Phil talks to Jay Santos about security on Facebook and the fake profiles he and the crew have set up to catch perverts. Rudy Canosa also revealed the fact he has three bars he agrees to meet women at that he has friended on Facebook. Vernon Dozier discussed meeting and marrying his current wife.....and honeymooning at the Blue Moon Motel...

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                     The hood of the truck was still warm Back from vacation Phil talks to Jay Santos about security on Facebook and the fake profiles he and the crew have set up to catch perverts. Rudy Canosa also revealed the fact he has three bars he agrees to meet women at that he has friended on Facebook. Vernon Dozier discussed meeting and marrying his current wife.....and honeymooning at the Blue Moon Motel...

Ep. 196

Ted Bell and Dean Wheeler debated the offensive sports nickname question by bringing the long gone southern baseball team, the Atlanta Crackers, into the debate. And somehow Ted's rivalry with Honk Kong Charlie got mixed in with Ted saying "I'm a white man on me knees to the yellow horde." Vernon Dozier was going to talk about the college football playff system that will debut next season but instead lectured again on good tackling and blocking, ending every sentence with an emphatic "go back to your MA-MA" for anyone not tough enough to heed him. General Gaylan Shaw got into the singing act by breaking out his rendition of "Kentucky Rain" by Elvis, a song about a man looking for a woman who's left him. The General thought it was a hamster and the whole topic went straight to hell when Phil said "it wasn't a hamster it was a woman" and Vernon said "You just fed him a change up and he's about to drive it right back into the box and your face!"

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          Cleveland pitcher Herb Score, who Vernon compared Phil to Ted Bell and Dean Wheeler debated the offensive sports nickname question by bringing the long gone southern baseball team, the Atlanta Crackers, into the debate. And somehow Ted's rivalry with Honk Kong Charlie got mixed in with Ted saying "I'm a white man on me knees to the yellow horde." Vernon Dozier was going to talk about the college football playff system that will debut next season but instead lectured again on good tackling and blocking, ending every sentence with an emphatic "go back to your MA-MA" for anyone not tough enough to heed him General Gaylan Shaw got into the singing act by breaking out his rendition of "Kentucky Rain" by Elvis, a song about a man looking for a woman who's left him. The General thought it was a hamster and the whole topic went straight to hell when Phil said "it wasn't a hamster it was a woman" and Vernon said "You just fed him a change up and he's about to drive it right back into the box and your face!"

Ep. 190

Big night with Bobbie Dooley explaining her initial decision to boot a homeowner for lying about acting in porn films, in a sub-genre called "she/he hee hee" (shemale comedies) and "he/she wee wee" (shemale water sports) The accused actresses husband, Duvay Bootman, comes on the program to defend his wife... Raj Feneen and his son Todd called in to talk about their love of Dickensian-style Christmas, the Charles Dickens vision of Christmas. Raj even laughed about the time his son heard "Rama Lama Ding Dong" on the radio and thought it was about Ramadan... Vernon Dozier discusses his new series "Pussy Hits of the Week" where he talks about seemingly brutal hits that weren't brutal at all. This week, the Brandon Browner hit on Wes Welker from 2012.
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