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The Media Archive

The Media Archive

We’ve got over 45,000 hours of content… wander at your own risk.

Ep. 351

Monday, March 31, 2014

Phil talked about the sorry state of Raleigh, North Carolina, according to one of the listeners, and how it continues to sink further and further into a morass of mind-numbing dullness. Don Berman, channel 19 news anchor, discussed the CNN team of John Berman (no relation) and a rather large, female co-anchor and how it doesn't come off well for Berman since he looks smaller and like he's 12. General Gaylan Shaw walked us through the history of the very obvious bowl-haircuts worn by Korea's leaders, Justin MacElroy broke a friends anonymity by naming him as a person who tried to hack into some security systems surrounding a civil disturbance over the weekend.....even though he kept trying not to.... and Art Griego talked about his part in trying to locate the Dolby brothers near Catalina in 1988 only to identify two department store mannequins, one wearing high heels. Episode 88 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 350

Friday, March 28, 2014

Phil introduced Nikki via Skype from the DC area. The crew talked about the continuing search for Malaysia Airlines 370. Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police was into his report when suddenly General Gaylen Shaw, angry for some reason, said he didn't want to talk anymore to "this Mr. Santos from the Citizens Dick-suckery Police..." Bud Dickman ran afoul of Margaret Grey for remarking that someone was good at "putting asses in seats and, if you will, asses on faces." Also The Stephen Colbert Report's so-called offensive tweet was kicked around by Phil and Nikki. Some suit at Comedy Central tweeted some lame shit on the Colbert Report account and got Colbert in trouble, people thinking he was firing up a chapter of the anti-Chinese League. Margaret Grey let Nikki know the phrases that carry strong double entendre and that she'll have "none of." They are: "blow by blow", "that's a mouthful", "lickity-split", "he's a handful", "they were licked", "I beat the spread." There are others, but you get the idea. On the Bobbie Dooley Podcast, Bobbie demonstrates and also has a tape handy of the way she sounds when "Steve gives it to her good." Episode 87 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 348

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Dean Wheeler joined the program to talk about Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, but before long it had degenerated into his screaming about the tree squirrels that have "harassed" him for months and his nephew Stevie showing up with a pellet gun and ready to aim as Dean gets a headfull of squirrel shit. Vernon Dozier came close to another stroke stressing about college football players unionizing. He talked about a young freshman quarterback at Belmar Academy that he's bringing along as the kids father is, typically, being "a pain in the ass." Vernon said the boy is a fine young man but because he's 15 he's automatically "dirty, crawling, slimy scum, a punk and a degenerate. But all kids are at that age" said Vernon. The Bobbie Dooley Podcast featured Bobbie kicking the shit out of not only Steve but announcer Gene Wiffner. Episode 86 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 347

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Bob Green discussed the "anal raping" he took buying Candy Crush Saga stock and also attempted to explain some coupon for "5 percent off at Frazier Foods in today's Orange County Courier." Bob said you had to cut out his picture but, please cut off the push broom he's holding. It was supposed to be a feather duster. Dave Oliva was interviewed on the topic of drunk Secret Service people. "Hey, it happens," said Dave. "It's a high pressure job. I myself worked security for a band in Long Beach at Belmont Shores and so many dudes wanted to sleep with the chick lead singer I was like 'no, no, a thousand times no.' I wound up drinking apple-flavored Bacardi and spewing all over everyone backstage." Frank Grey was called by Margaret to come on the show and defend her against Bob Green's nasty comments. Frank said he beat Bob in a lawsuit and "we wound up bending her over and having our way with her, financially speaking." Episode 85 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 345

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Jeff Dowdder, a part time professor of mechanical physics and base jumper, talked with Phil about the guys that base jumped from the top of the new Freedom Tower in NYC back in September and who have just now been arrested for it. Dowdder said the freedom you feel with the wind flowing up your pant leg is what its all about. General Shaw countered by saying heaven help the man who is coming down in a parachute "feeling all free and breezy and he doesn't notice a baby in a bassinet sucking on a bottle and looking in wonder at the world around him and this lover lands on top of the kid with a sickening squish sound!" Vernon Dozier thinks the Chinese have got some pair on them demanding all kinds of info from the Malaysians. Dozier sent two buddies of his who are down there on construction jobs into the press conference to ask the question "'Scuse me, 'scuse me. When are you bowl haircuts going to climb off everyone's back." Mavis Leonard reported on the Oscar Pistorius trial, telling Phil she's been so unnerved by it she's had nightmares about a guy with two Slinky's for legs chasing her. She also sang a blues song about the Slinky called "Slinky on my trail." Episode 84 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 343

Monday, March 24, 2014

Phil started the show talking about something he ate over the weekend and the effect it was having on his stomach. This naturally evolved into a discussion of Margaret's Old Spice-smelling farts. Art Griego was scheduled to talk about Flight 370 but he received word that his daughter and "some bum" stole an airplane Art was servicing and flew it as far north as "that ranch with the restaurant off of I-5 that sells the blooming onion." There, in some motel, they scored meth and snorted it off of the hood of the dealer's truck. It turned out Art's daughter turned both the "bum" and the dealer onto the meth, neither having tried it before. Herb Sewell commented on an oil spill in Galveston Bay, saying there need to be tighter rules regulating the "half-wits and unreconstructed nincompoops" that pilot ships through there. Episode 83 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.

Ep. 342

Friday, March 21, 2014

In a controversial move that created friction within show staff, the Phil Hendrie Show purchased the broadcast rights to the Devil f*cking Fred Phelps, minus lube, and aired the event this morning on the show.... The existence of an animal known as "the traveling squirrel" was discussed by Steve Bosell, Phil Hendrie, and Guy Barton. Barton had written a song called "Traveling Squirrel" 23 days before Ricky Nelson wrote "Traveling Man". Phil ripped people that were criticizing coverage of the Malaysia Air tragedy saying he only hoped they lost kids to an air disaster someday. Curt Queedy and Guy Barton discussed Turkey banning Twitter and at one point General Shaw thought the Prime Minister of Turkey was the same guy that "gave it to William Hayes in 'Midnight Express'." And the show ended with another Bobbie Dooley podcast, in which Steve morphs into "The Fly" and attacks Bobbie and Gene Wiffner. Episode 82 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.


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