Search Results for: Jay Santos – Page 64

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

It’s Elcott……the Next Step!… Dr. Ed Elcott brings on special guests Beans Halberstam and Bobbie and Steve Dooley. The Overlords are not happy.

Wednesday, December 11, 2002 Show Log by Paul Dintino Hour 1: Phil starts off by going off on some of the Hollywood elite on their attitude toward the U.S. Government after 9/11. Phil play a classic bit from the best of 2002 CD - “plane go boom.” Phil discusses Trent Lott and the like. Hour 2: Chris Norton says for women to go someone's house without a date is pathetic on Christmas day. He's offering his services, he's in high-demand, he's sessy. An episode of The Bob Heverly show. Phil explains the show and plays a bit from Margaret from the best of 2002 CD. Hour 3: Bobbie Dooley from the Western Estates Homeowners Association says in order to sit with her and Steve at the table at the Christmas party you must have a certain standing in the community. You can't have cataracts and look strange. A bit from the best of 2002 CD with Jay Santos.
Monday, December 9, 2002 Show Log by Paul Dintino Hour 1: Things kick off with Robert Green and “Christmas Courier” get's a big laugh that kids write letters to Santa asking for dialysis and the like. Pastor Rennick and his Christmas pageant. Jay Santos from the Citizens Auxiliary Police tries to talk about a ban on Christmas trees but cracks up...Phil (I mean Jay) can hardly get the story out! Hour 2: David G. Hall joins the program to talk about Christmas parties. He thinks people should get drunk at the parties so he can see your wife's breasts. Lloyd Bonified come on to say people with icicle lights on their houses are homosexuals. Hour 3: A guy with a Christmas Tree Lot says a green Christmas Trees are a horrific reminder of the dark ages. Phil rants about United Airlines.
Friday, December 6, 2002 Show Log by Paul Dintino Hour 1: Phil starts out talking about WMDs in Iraq. Steve Bosell has a friend at HBO, he spoils the ending of The Sopranos where Paulie Walnuts is from outer-space and Carmella Soprano is a dyke. Bud screws up the Top 10 holiday movies. Hour 2: Margaret Gray reports on Wynona Ryder getting convicted. Vernon Dozier comes on to say President Bush and how he's letting his “Da-Da” influence his decision on Iraq (he cracks up at the end). Jay Santos says Merry Christmas from the Citizens Auxiliary Police. Hour 3: This hour begins with Joe Dickhead's NFL picks. Vernon Dozier and Raj Fahneen join Phil in-studio. Rolland Schwinn from NBC come in to discuss the downfall of NBC.
Wednesday, October 23, 2002 Show Log by P. D. Hour 1: Don Berman from Channel 19 news is on. Don explains why the media holds back vital public safety info from the public. The news has the right to hold back the news until the public is ready for it. Hour 2: Phil starts the hour talking about the sniper investigation. He discusses other serial killers in the past in America including the BTK and Happy Face killers. Phil invites callers to play a game called “Have you got a pair?” Flashback with Jay Santos and Lloyd with the belt-sander bit. Hour 3: Vernon Dozier and his attorney Harvey Wireman think scary Halloween decorations should be outlawed. Vernon pees in his pants at times.
Tuesday, October 22, 2002 Show Log by Mr. Paul Dintino Hour 1: Jay Santos and the Citizen's Auxiliary Police are conducting flare-drops & belt-sanding paint off of cars to see if they have been re-painted. Classic Lloyd and Jay interaction with the “scull sexed” mention in this hour! Hour 2: Dave Oliva wants people to respect the D.C. Police who are trying to catch the sniper or else they will stop trying. He wants to be LAPD. Hour 3: The Beltway Sniper is interviewed by Entertainment Tonight about his upcoming movie. Phil takes some calls. Skippy & Frank from KKOW want to get the beltway sniper laid by one of their of female listeners. Phil discusses more sniper news
Friday, October 18, 2002 Show Log by Professor Paul DintinoHour 1: Ted Bell announces his new restaurant in the Washington D.C. area but nobody is showing up because of the D.C. Sniper crisis. He's blaming the selfishness of the people of Washington D.C. Flashback from Jay Santos with the flu. Hour 2: Phil announces he's going to be on Fox News with Shepard Smith (even though he wants to punch him in the face). Phil invites callers to play a round of “Say it just like the guy did it in the movie.” The Dirty Harry edition. Hour 3: Chris Norton in an act of “community service” helping people who are mentally ill. Chris tells a Gulf War widow that he was with her husband when he died...he got to have “sess” with her but now he wants her to stop calling him. Phil shares a listener response to the Doug Dannger bit from 10/16/02.
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 Show log by The Wondrous Mr. Dintino Hour 1: Doug Dannger is a gay man and gay journalist. He expands his professional horizons to include the analysis of complex military strategy. He's an entertainment writer but thinks President Bush is a simple-minded fool. Hour 2: Jay Santos of the Citizen's Auxiliary Police thinks that the DC police are blowing it & that the CCAP could do a better job, except that he has the flu. Hour 3: Phil invites callers to play a game called “Who’s Got The Biggest Pair” for the chance to win prizes from the webstore. Phil get's into a heated discussion with a caller about Malcolm X.
Monday, September 9, 2002 Hour 1: Steve Bosell says that 9-11 ruined the many birthdays for people born on that date, and it's Bush's obligation to acknowledge this unfortunate coincidence. Towards the end Steve says it's the day him and his wife have kinky sex and she says "put your World Trade Center up for me!" It's the only thing that makes her happy. Hour 2: Jay Santos goes to parks on 9-11 and reminds people that you don't laugh and play, and he burns the head off a doll to emphasize the grave tragedy of 9-11. Hour 3: Dave Oliva wants a special day where only people from Los Angeles get to visit the Statue of Liberty, and he wants to squirt water at the eyes with a hose to make it shed tears.
Thursday, August 22, 2002 Hour 1: Jay Santos is going door to door asking men over 35 years of age questions to make sure they aren't kid-killing freaks. Hour 2: VARIETY. At 14m Bobbie Dooley goes into a church hearing the organ music celebration from the Father James McQuarters bit on 2002-08-21c. Hour 3: Chris Norton wants to make a porn movie at New York City ground zero called "Nine Or Eleven, Take Your Pick, Let The Healing Begin". Actors include Tad Pole, Raymond Bone, Rick Stretch, Woody Woodlovepecker, and Bobby Balls.
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 Hour 1: Bobbie Dooley is teaching young girs how to binge and purge to prepare for the Summertacular fashion show. She knocked chocolate cake out of her daughter's hands with a rake. Hour 2: VARIETY. Hour 3: Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police's Panty Squad wants to check to make sure women are wearing underwear. Certain women might be scaring kids.
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