Search Results for: Doug Dannger – Page 3

Ep. 571

From August 2003 comes gay man and gay journalist Doug Dannger. Doug has written a book called "Tough Love" in which he describes insulting straight families and having them then thank him for the abuse because they could use the honesty.
Entertainment reporter Doug Dannger gives us his review of the newly released Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. from May 2002.(0:05:06)

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Doug Dannger, Harvey Weirman and Phil argued and screamed at each other over Doug's forthcoming article in the Orange County Courier about "the rehabilitation of Indianapolis." Doug avoided Phil and Harvey's questions for for 2 hours on why he said that Indianapolis was "a dark and forboding place with hints of black magic and Indian burial grounds."                       The road to Indianapolis Also with Lloyd Bonafide

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Steve Bosell did it again. This time is was Mary Kennedy. When he heard about her death he immediately went to his office to write Kennedy jokes for an MC gig at his church's men's club. He told one of them to his secretary who reacted "negatively and scornfully" to the point where a childhood trauma kicked in for Steve and he wet himself. He's suing for "emotional cruelty and loss of professional stature."Hans Landa: Maybe he had 'gaydar' tooDoug Dannger joined the show, discussing a new study that says some people have 'gaydar," an intuitive ability to know who is gay and who isn't. Doug told Phil he will physically assault anyone that says they have gaydar. Doug compared it to the "Inglorious Basterds" villain Hans Landa who claimed in the film he could "sniff out Jews."With Lloyd Bonafide
Starting the show was Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police announcing Operation Big Glove, a task force that he formed to look into Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his "Mickey Mouse" investigation of President Obama's birth certificate. ('Big Glove" was so named because Mickey Mouse wore over-sized gloves). Next up was self-described gay man and gay journalist Doug Dannger ripping into Phil for once having the unmitigated gall to tell writer/director David Mamet there was a factual error in one of his scripts. "You blew it Phil. You blew it big and you blew it hard and I say that even though I know you and Northcraft are going to be making your (whispered) queer jokes later on" Dannger pulled off the road to get a better connection and wound up parking near a shopping center carnival. While still being interviewed by Phil, he got into a fight with a concessionaire over a cupie doll Doug claimed he won and was arrested for battery.
Monday, December 27, 2004 Hour 1: Margaret Gray is the guest for the hour. She explains that it is risky to rent property to single mothers. Margaret believes it is legitimate, as a landlord, to ask the question if all the children come from the same father, and worry if the woman has a lot of male callers coming to the home. Flashback of Doug Dannger discussing a Nicole Kidman movie. Hour 2: Doug Dannger, writer for the Orange County Courier, is a gay man and gay journalist, and he is writing an article about the Great American Smoke-out. As part of his investigation, he is going to out in public places and smoking to see how people react. He says because he is gay, nobody will have the temerity to go eyeball to eyeball with him and tell him to put out his cigarette. Flashback to the previous night’s show when Justin McElroy wants the Sadie Hawkins dance eliminated, because it makes the girls at his high school “beasts in training.” Hour 3: Steve Bosell is on to discuss another lawsuit. Steve had some buddies over to play Ping-Pong and have some beers, and Steve brought up the idea that Osama Bin Laden may be pattering himself after James Bond villains. Roy Hutchins, a neighbor, responded with “Oh yeah Steve, and do you think that Lex Luther bombed Pearl Harbor?” which caused everyone to laugh. Steve is filing a lawsuit over emotional distress and infringing on his civil rights, naming everyone who was at his party, including his son, Steve Jr. Flashback of Carl Mislaw, a British journalist, telling the caller her daughter has dwarfism. Show log by Kyle Davis.

Ep. 261

Doug Dannger and Larry Grover debated Bradley Manning and his relative value to liberals and conservatives. Doug thought he had Larry and all the conservatives who used Manning as a poster child for the ills of the Obama administration. Dannger said that the revelation Manning was a cross-dresser had to be embarrassing for Larry. They then debated whether Manning wore a gown or just a skirt. Dwayne, a businessman from Maui, calls the show to protest what he calls the 'glamorization' of shark attacks that closes beaches and drives business away from him and other merchants. Dwayne mentioned his cousin Junior being 'eaten' by a thresher shark and his father still keeping their roadside tavern open to take advantage of the tourist season. Other stuff too!

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   Kip Peabody and Roman Toomey get the lanes ready for Orange County Courier night at the Bowling Center. Toomey later dropped his pants and flipped off Doug Dannger Tonights show featured Doug Dannger, entertainment writer for the Orange County Courier and a self-described "gay man and gay journalist" talking with Phil from his regular Tuesday bowling night with the Courier's league team. Doug had just bowled a 272 on route to a crushing victory over the San Gabriel Valley Tribube. On to ostensibly talk about Tom Cruise possibly starring in a fiilm version of "The Man From U.N.C.L.E., Doug mentioned that Roman Toomey, the only surviving child of mass murderer Randall Toomey, was at the bowling alley dropping his pants and flipping p[eople off because he's "one of those shock bowlers that played in the PBA awhile back...." Plus asteroid talk and Bob Bakian reports from high above a "nudes beach.....not a nudist beach...but a nudes beach....There's a difference..."
Dean Wheeler of the Northern California Holistic Center kicked off the show tonight praising the One Nation Rally last week as far better attended than the Glenn Beck rally and showing that the American people support President Obama. Phil and the callers debated with Dean on the numbers but he said One Nation was bigger because half the people at the Beck rally were there for free T-shirts and coffee mugs. Dean claims someone saw Beck signing a womans ass with a felt tip pen. Next up was Doug Dannger, gay man and gay journalist, commenting on a list of Halloween movies for children. While most seemed okay (a list from the website there was one that was out of place, "E.T." Doug says he told a woman from an Orange County parent-media group that E.T. was a science fiction, not a horror movie and she said "Thank you. Are there any other questions." That was it for Doug. "She might as well have said 'thanks queer but I'm not interested.'"
Doug Dannger, Orange County Courier entertainment reporter and self-described "gay man and gay journalist" told Phil he's surfing Surf Beach, near Lompoc, California, as soon as it's reopened. The beach was closed Friday due to a shark attack that killed a young man from Riverside. Doug said that if you get into the water and show "human authority and humaness" the shark will think tiwce about attacking not wanting to look bad. However Doug has also made sure he'll have spotter craft and look-outs on scene in case a "retarded shark" decides to make a run for him. We spent an hour with Raj Feneen as well this evening, an Egyptian-born businessman living in the States with his wife and son. Juan Williams saying he felt "skittish" when he saw people in Muslim garb felt like a betrayal to Raj since Mr. Williams is an African-American and "should know better." But Raj also said he too felt skittish but only because seeing Muslims in religious or traditional garb means you're seeing ones "just off the boat" and more likely to be fanatics.
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