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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tonight an RC Collins extravaganza as RC tells Phil and his listeners he and other cadets from Bradley Military Academy are trying to get kids to stay away from "The Twilight Saga." Yes, in addition to studying and training for West Point and eventual airborne school, RC is trying to keep kids from "bending to the will of the Master." RC also lets drop some interesting facts about his growing up. His mother, he says, was a "broken-down alcoholic" who would play the harpsichord late into the night and then enter his room "with her blouse open." RC's whole idea that he is "psycho" and wants to "eat my own guts" in his mind means he is willing to die for his country, turn kids away from the "way of the death cult" and "maybe catch a cigarette break...if you don't mind."

Monday, June 28, 2010

Show Log For 6/28 Videocast: Oct 21 1999 "Flock of Geese" Pilot Art Griego is killing flocks of geese with guns and cricket bats to teach the geese a lesson about taking up his air space. Nov. 1 1999  "Stankafacation" Jay Santos comments on the female rugby team that was suspended after posing for a nude team photo. Jay says a photo of "beastly" girls could be a concern to public safety. Oct 14 1999 "Foot-long Marital Aides" Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police went into the house of one of one of his sub-commanders to perform a safety check and found a box of exotic sex toys. Jay says that it was his duty to alert this couple that these items not part of the CAP marital guide. Oct 5, 1999 "Littering with Children" Bobbie Dooley of Western Estates collected money for a family in her neighborhood so that the husband can get a vasectomy. Bobbie says the family already has plenty of kids and they don't need anymore.    

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday night we had Steve Bosell, a construction contractor from Corona, Ca., who is suing his church, Corona Christ, for ordering him not to continue showing a YouTube video he made with his kids. In it, he pretends he's throwing a puppy off a cliff to "satirize" the marines that did the same thing in Iraq. When he showed the clip as part of a comedy act he does for his church festival, no one laughed and his pastor told him not to come back 'for the dinner show." Steve is suing for damages because "them not laughing makes it look like Christians can't have any fun." Later, Bud and Robert perform in another episode of "Ironswine." In this one, Bud, as Ironswine, pretends to be a Jew in Holland to try and trap anti-semitic people. He stands around singing "If I Were A Rich Man" until he gets hassled by Robert, playing an anti-semitic Dutchman, and arrests the culprit....In the final hour, Margaret popped on to say that a woman arrested in Salt Lake for plastering fliers depicting a 13 year old girl in a local school as having had bestial sex did a bad thing but lets put this in context. What if the woman was trying to ward off this kid and her mother from "tag-teaming her son." Margaret claimed it happened to her when a 13 year old and her mom were hitting on Jason Jay Delmonico

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tonight is was Vernon Dozier, high school teacher, on why a 16 year old girl would take off on a bike and then say she was kidnapped as happened in Northern California recently. The girl was actually with friends where she shouldn't have been. But Vernon says most of these girls grab their bikes and ride over to "the rich side of town to have sex with a guy who owns a hockey team." (He played "Poor Side Of Town" by Johnny Rivers here) Leave the kids alone, reasons Mr. Dozier, as they are just looking for some privacy after their mothers "shoved their big noses into the girls diary." Mavis Leonard, elementary school teacher, supported a Massachusetts program that passes out condoms to 6 and 7 year olds, even over the objections of their parents. "We don't need children from families with syphilitics in their medical history jumping off of daddy's flat-bed truck and hobling into school infecting our teachers." Phil was so disgusted he hung up on everyone...Mavis, the callers, everybody....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tonight Doug Dannger, gay man and gay journalist, told Phil that even though Hall of Fame linebacker Lawrence Taylor was arrested for rape, once people at the Orange County Courier sports banquet this weekend hear about Taylor's two Super Bowl rings, they'll be "soothed," Then Larry Grover blames what he calls a "moral vacuum" at the top of the conservative movement in America for his recent purchase of a teenage prostitute and his friends antics with "a ball boy at the raquet club."

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

In the first hour, Bobbie and Steve Dooley tried to explain that while Jonothan Metz is a brave man for attempting to amputate his own arm after getting it caught in a furnance, you can hardly expect his beautiful fiance Melissa to stay with him. After all, says Bobbie, it's like what a fourth-grader said to her over at the elementary's "bait and switch.." You marry a guy with two arms only to find out he has, if he lost the right arm, that's the one you wipe with. Does that mean she's going to have to do that for him too? Later, it's Lloyd Bonafide. He saw his grandson playing "Call to Duty." Lloyd thinks the boy needs to know that combat involves pain, not just sitting on a carpet and taking a break for " some of that stuff in a box he eats." So Lloyd bent the kids fingers back and crept up behind him with a simulate what a man sounds like when he's run over by a tank...Lloyd also walked up to kids at Wal-Mart playing "Ghost Recon" and pinched them "so they don't start thinking they're George Patton."

Monday, June 21, 2010

Professor Don Micksa was on to explain that Tony Heyward of BP taking in a yacht race is much worse than Obama playing golf, all while the oil from BP's well continues to leak into the Gulf. Obama playing golf sends the message to black people that its safe to play golf now and you can even have a white caddie. Heyward on the other hand is going yachting and he hasn't even done up his fly after raping the Gulf.....Later on Margaret Grey talked with us about the animal magnetism of Joran Van Der Sloot while she sang the song "Psycho Killer"

Friday, June 18, 2010

Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police teamed up with the Gator Brigade of Central Florida to hunt pervs at the opening of the Wizadry World of Harry Potter in Orlando. As usual Jay is checking people out to make sure they aren't adults just taking advantage of the availablity of "so much veal." Jay also is suspicious of adults that don't look like their kids so he asks them "are you sure your wife was always faithful to you?" Later on David G. Hall gave Bud permission to blow a vuvuzela everytime he heard something cool. When Phil read a headline about a woman trying to lose her fear of monkeys by going to an island filled with monkeys, Bud blew the horn. Chris Norton talked about the guts it takes to have a Brazilian wax for men and the fact he charged women 5 bucks a head to watch him get one.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Aspiring LAPD officer Dave Oliva joined us in our first hour as some street activity was turning ugly outside the Staples Center, where the LA Lakers has just won the NBA title. Phil wondered openly where the police were with cars getting jumped on and fires getting set. Dave said that cops have to "weigh their options before they go in." Do they want to "go home because their shift is over or go ahead and help out." He also told Phil to be careful about flooring it to get out of there if he were stuck because he may find a crushed sombrero and poncho under the car and that means he ran over an illegal. "People'll think you're a Minuteman!" Steve Bosell also joined us this evening to tell us his daughter's middle school class has done it again. He has seen the light.  He though a little boy wearing toy soldiers on his hat was okay but his daughter and her middle school class, teachers and administration taught him what a warmonger he is. As Steve was being screamed at by one caller, his daughter passed him a question to ask the woman. "My daughter wants to know if, when you sit on your husband's chest..." Phil cut him off...but not before Steve cried for the scumbag that died in front of a firing squad last night in Utah.


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